What book makes you tear-up when you think about it

Two words:

Old Yeller.

The Bridges of Madison County

I arrived at my university about 4 days before the beginning of my first year of college, and got bored quickly, so I went to the library and grabbed some books that I hadn’t read. I selected on the basis of title alone. A few hours later, my new roommate saw me reading that book and said cheerfully “Oh, I read that. You’ll cry. I’m going shopping now. Want anything?” and left. I mused briefly on what gave her the right to predict my reactions after living together for less than 2 days, and kept on reading … when she got back, I still had the sniffles. If I think about it enough, it still makes me teary, even after 6 years. And I don’t even read love stories!

Me too. I could barely keep from crying when a professor of mine read it aloud in class once.

And also Great Expectations (even the revised ending … well, actually, especially the revised ending).

Toward the end of Stephen King’s Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass. I really got into the whole love story and when, well, if you’ve read it, you know…it really gets me.