What can president bush offer us?

Thank you!

What can president bush offer us?

A generation-long lesson on why voting Republican is bad for you?

I dunno, man. I mean, look what he’s done for your post count.

Your eloquent prose and well-presented argument has convinced me to not vote for him in the next presidential election.

And I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Paid my taxes?

He has two years left. Plenty of time to quash the shit out of women’s reproductive rights thanks to South Dakota.

Amendment number one took a long time to deal with, but with the Patriot Act renewed and search and seizure laws null and void, I expect those other pesky civil rights amendments will fall easily enough.

Er. Yes, I know search and seizure isn’t addressed in the first amendment. I left out the whole bit about freedom of speech and the press being a joke.

Can you clarify what you mean by the first two? There’s a broad agreement among economists that lower tarrifs are good, but I’m not aware of any such agreement on the details of bankruptcy laws, or “health insurance” (although I don’t know exactly what you mean by that). The context of the other posts was “free trade”, so I’m not quite sure how those two issues fit into that context.

By “drug companies” do you mean efforts to prevent US citizens from buying drugs abroad? If so, then I agree.

Is there some mystic numerism behind 15,474 that I’m unaware of?

On the drug “thing”, that’s what I meant. I lost track of what the other two are now - short attention span, due to a huge lunch.

Maybe it had something to do with that whole thing about making it more difficult for citizens to declare bankruptcy and disallowing credit card debt from being forgiven, he’s given cc companies a huge boost?

Duh. Sorry John, your question included the other two. They have nothing to do with tariffs, at all. However they do point to his “business friendly” approach and his apparent failure to think things through (big picture kind of guy and all).

Something being “big business-friendly,” however, may or may not promote free trade. There isn’t necessarily a link between the two things - on any given issue.

No, I’m pretty sure you know I alluding to Bush’s holding the presidency has probably had the effect of inflating your post count. Nothing mystical at all.

Actually, I think it’s the SDMB’s Discworld Reading Club that’s behind it. But it’s not my fault if folks like you keep trying to pass off nuggets of Bushit as nuggets of wisdom…

No fan of GWB here, but one thing I have found refreshing is that, more than other politicians, I feel that he says what he truly believes. Leaving the content of said speach aside, I wish there was more of that.

You’re absolutely right. Free trade and competition are good things. Tariffs, as let’s say for the automotive industry however are business friendly (to certain companies) but do not foster a completely free trade. On the other hand trade can lead to outsourcing, which is very unpopular among those who got outsourced. I’m sort of in the middle - absolute laissez faire can allow abuses to happen, but overregulation stilfes business and eats up capital in compliance CYA efforts and discourages investment. It’s a balancing act between the two.

What does President Bush have to do with the SD Legislature???

Once again, you’re confusing me with someone else. Simply because I oppose your reflexive partisan stupidity, does not make me a Bush supporter. Allow me to offer you a challenge I’ve offered several others of your camp. Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the majority that a preponderance of topics on which I’ve made at least one post since the 2000 election are supportive of a Bush-led initiative; instances where my opinion has been later reversed, obviously, do not count. There are a couple topics out there where I’ve been vocally supportive of Bush initiatives, (ANWR, tax cuts & social security come to mind immediately) but there are far more topics on which I’ve made known my opposing view.

If you can demonstrate what you claim, I’ll happily accept the mantle of Bushista Primo. Until you’re willing to do some research to back up your claims, they’re naught but empty bellowings - both with respect to my own ideology and with respect to the topic of this thread. Which is where we fucking started. But apparently you’d rather make it about personalities than actually having to expend a little effort exploring your own damn opinions.

In any case, mebbe it is your posts on Discworld that have inflated your count. But I see an awful lot of useless garbarge, disparaging to the Bush administration, dumped into otherwise reasonable GD threads - and not a few in GQ, too.

And now my search results are in. It has returned a mere 38 total posts in Cafe Society by you containing the term Discworld. Give the relatively short length of those threads, I’d wager you’ve got less than one-hundred total posts on that topic. So . . . bullshit.

No, no, no, that’s bushit.

Although in all fairness, that only turns up 18 posts.

That whole outlawing abortion thing that’s bound to go to the SCOTUS.