It’s interesting to see the order, so different from our alphabetical order. I had to search for the US team though, they were near the last. Canada was #62.
Yesterday I was passing through the Eaton Centre and I happened to be in time to see part of the CBC rebroadcast of the opening ceremonies, on a big screen at the Bell booth. It was a nice feeling when I saw the Canadian team march in, resplendent in their red, white and gold uniforms and their white caps and red turbans. The CBC kind of ruined it afterwards, though, going to a split screen thing where one window showed the Canadian team as they arrived in the middle of the stadium, and the other showed a smaller view of the later arriving teams. I never saw the US team because I left in annoyance and went into Trinity Square and checked out the labyrinth (which has been made permanent).
Canada’s rendered as Jiānádà, 加拿大; I think the literal meaning is “to capture the eldest and add [to one’s possessions]”, I’m not sure. My Pinyin is really bad.
Assuming this isn’t a whoosh (since my whoosh detector is in the shop for adjustment) it is traditional for Greece to lead the parade of athletes and for the host nation to go last. At the 2004 Summer Olympics held in Athens the parade was opened by the Greek flag bearer, and the athletes marched at the end.
No problem…I sometimes think my LurkMeister powers are too strong, judging from the number of times other posters have said the same thing I did several hours previously and gotten responses instead of me.
Yes, and his powers are strong, judging from the number of times other posters have said the same thing he did several hours previously and gotten responses instead of him.