What cute/sappy names do you call your SO?

I’m afraid I’m not very creative, but my boyfriend always comes up with something.

In response to being called a doodle bug, he called me a rhinosceros beetle.

Then a few weeks later, he started calling me sugar booger because I was saying honey bunny a lot. Now he just calls me a booger. I don’t mind though, because my favorite pick-up line is, “If you were a booger, I’d pick you!” :smiley:

My gf calls me “Cookie”. IN PUBLIC.

hangs head in shame

I call her “Turdledove” :smiley:

We (my family) all sat and made goofy names for eachother.

Me = Sloppy Poppy
My Wife = Pajama mamma
1st daughter = Messy Jessy
2nd one = Hurricane Rachael

…All fitting except for mine since I do most of the cleaning.

Uh… rooves… Are you sure that’s the reason she calls you Sloppy Poppy?

It’s just occurred to me that in terms of names and cuteness (vocally also), I’m much worse with pet names when it comes to my dog.

His favorite names for me are Bear and Little One and Moo Moo.

I call him Pooper. And I have no idea where it came from, but it stuck.

This looks really sick in print. I’m aghast that two adults can come up with this stuff. :smiley:

Btw, he so rarely uses my actual name that it sounds odd coming out of his mouth.