What did Trump and his followers think would have happened if the Jan. 6 coup attempt had succeeded?

Hmmmm………I believe I’ve discussed this a lot.

There was no consensus because there was no single orchestrated plan.

Rudy Guiliani thought that the courts would finally come through with a stay on certifying Biden’s win if he just had one more day.

The Sidney Powell and Patrick Byrne contingent thought that the seditious Congressmen would present evidence of fraud during the joint session that was so compelling that everyone would agree to having the National Guard conduct live-streamed recounts of the disputed states.

The rest of the gang thought that Pence would reject the votes and send it back to the states, then the state legislatures in the disputed states would declare that the election “failed” and select their own Trump electors.
They thought that Pence would reject the votes and it would be thrown to the state delegations in the House of Representatives who would then elect Trump.

I’m still not really clear which seditionists supported the first option and which supported the second. The fictitious letters from the DOJ that Mark Meadows and Jeff Clark wanted to send fit the narrative of having the individual state legislatures overturn the results of their state, but at the same time they were invested in the idea that Pence rejected the certified results, the US congressional state delegations could pick Trump.

The Oathkeepers and other right-wing groups thought that if they caused chaos in DC, Trump would impose martial law and…….declare himself King of America, or something.

Trump mostly just wanted to see how far everyone would go to prove their love and loyalty to him by getting him the thing he wanted, which was to not be a loser.

It was very confused because everyone had a different plan. Some will use this confusion to reach the conclusion that there was no plan, but that is not the case.