What did you always want to do as a kid but still haven't done as a grown up?

I always had this grand plan for staying up all night and sleeping all day. I sort of did this, briefly, while in college and working a graveyard shift. Unfortunately, the “sleep all day” part never came to pass as I had to go to classes and I ended up getting in a car accident. I still believe that if I could have done it the right way it would’ve been fine, though. Damned sunlight.

My other passionate wishes were to create my own race of miniature aquatic people from a drop of my own blood, build a time machine, and have an entire village for dolls constructed in my backyard.

Obviously, only one of those was even remotely possible.

(The mini-Caerie-clones are coming along quite nicely, FYI. Just need to work out the gills!)

Grow up.

  1. Walk on the Moon.

  2. Fight to the death for a good cause.

  3. Fight to the death on the Moon. For a good cause.

Is there really a 30 metre platform? Did you mean feet instead of metres?

I can’t think of any answers to the OP. Either I’m really fulfilled, or my childhood imagination was really dull.

I saw a few in a Victoria’s Secret commercial once. ‘Ridiculous’ isn’t the word that sprang to mind.
I always wanted to be a frontman for a kick ass rock band, live onstage, even if it was only for one song. Haven’t done that yet.

He said ‘sprang’!

When I was a kid I really wanted to take a vacation in an RV or trailer. Still haven’t done it even though it would be quite doable now. We did rent a houseboat one year though which was pretty much the same thing.

Be an Engineer (railroad) for a long train.

It’s not all it’s cracked up to be–my dad took a near-pristine RV as down payment on a house he was selling to an acquaintance. We sold it again within a year.

Oh, come on…go for it! I believe that the last time a saw an adult dressed up as an angel without looking ridiculous was…uh, HALLOWEEN. DO IT!

I wanted to have a really elaborate doll house.

Become a marine biologist.

Have a house with secret passages in it.
Own a suit of armor
Own a human skull
Drive a car like bad guys do in cop shows, all fishtailing around corners and jumping over hills and such.

Own a motorcycle.

Well, sure. That’s one of the reasons it hasn’t happened. Anyway I would probably rent, not buy. And obviously there are people that love it and make an entire lifestyle out of it.

I worked with a guy several years ago who dressed as Death for Halloween. He wasn’t really tall or terribly skinny but had an excellent costume, including a skeleton hand that he made by wiring chicken bones together. So I say go for it!

As for the OP, my answer is sky-diving. I could say getting a motorcycle as well, but I plan on doing that within the next year.

Go on safari in Africa and hunt elephant, Cape buffalo, lion and leopard. I like to think I’ll still be able to make the hunt one day, but only for the lion and buffalo due to the import bans.

Have sex with Linda Carter and Lindsay Wagner. I’ll take a pass on that one now.

Be an international spy. I’ll pass on that one, too.

Be a doctor and fix people and be awesome! This ended very abruptly when I got back my first middle school science marks (I’m still working on the awesome part, though).

Have a waterbed, for no real apparent reason. I kind of still do.

Kill a moose with homemade weaponry.

Win a swordfight and have the other guy whimpering for mercy at the point of the Dread Pirate liz.

“It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.”

Become a zoo veterinarian. Was quite the obsession as a youngster, but I abandoned the idea long before I ever got to college. If I had my college career to do over now, I’d likely end up as a librarian ;).

Become a mid-level mob figure. Not like the big boss, but more a loyal, trusted capo with a dedicated crew. I don’t know when or how this one got stuck in my consciousness as a wee lad, but I guess I always figured I’d make a better Sal Tessio or Pete Clemenza than a Don Corleone.

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