What do I NEED to do before getting married?

How long before we get the prenup question?

Just running out for a long weekend. I’ll be back Tuesday for the pre-nup question.

DNA test?

Just to verify gender . . . .


Morning of the wedding “Oh God, I can’t go through with this” escape plan? That’s theoretically the Best Man’s job, but you need to stay on him, or next thing you know you’re frantically trying to hail a cab in your tuxedo.

Note in Iowa, even though the bill apparently died in committee, the idea of folks being allowed to deem for themselves whether or not a given couples marriage is valid has been raised.

While apparently specifically aimed at gay marriage, the proposal was apparently sufficiently vague so as to put into question for interracial, inter-religious, and even remarriages to be put into a category where they may not be recognized.

The possibilities for business is obvious, a suitably inclined company might be free to not recognize a marriage between a Jehovah’s Witness and a Druid, and therefore deny health care for the spouse and children.

Many Fundamentalists have serious problems with divorce and remarriage (not just the Westboro folks) and the implications for the remarried might be significant.

Sorry, forgot to complete my thought there.

In view of this nascent attempt in Iowa, and an apparent move by the country in a more social conservative direction, it might not hurt to have a pre-nup that addresses some of these concerns, particularly if you are entering into a marriage of other than one Christian man, one Christian woman of the same faith, and for the first time for both of you.

Note that though these items do not not need to be done before the wedding they might need to be done soon after the wedding:

Getting on someone else’s insurance. Changing insurance. Changing flexible medical spending plans. Changing retirement plan/withholding/investments. Changing beneficiaries for various retirement accounts, insurance plans.

Many of these things are only changeable once a year, but they allow a limited window for doing so after major life events like a wedding. It is easy to let these things fall out of that window with things like the honeymoon and all going on.

The reason marriage is such a valuable institution (and therefore a huge right) is that so many of these things are automatic or much easier within a marriage than without. So yeah, I don’t see anything lawyer-needful here if there’s no pre-nup in the offing.

You need to make sure you’re comfortable never having sex again for the rest of your life.

Bitter much?

Ha ha ha. I’ll be good.

INSIST on exchanging credit reports. Before the wedding.