What do Trump voters think now?

That’s kinda open-ended, isn’t it? Maybe just the top ten.

You know it is funny. In the pit thread, you seem to decry that you want to be taken seriously and get serious responses. But you post stuff like this that is so far removed from fact that it makes it difficult to take you seriously.

For example, proof by counter-example:

  1. During Obama’s 8 years as president 15 million jobs were created.
  2. Trump during the past three months has not created more than 15 million jobs, even if we give him credit for jobs he claims to have created (but probably didn’t).
  3. Therefore, Trump has not accomplished more in three months than Obama did in 8 years.
  4. QED.

Furthermore, that person was of Asian descent, and hence probably in many Trump supporters minds, not a real American. I am sure they would have felt quite differently if it was some White guy wearing a “Make America Great” hat.

Minor point of clarification? Those “United” guys, they were actual police, and not just rental?

You just described Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Hillary, and every current Democratic leader … along with every left-leaning media member … the governor of New York, Mayor of New York, Mayor of Chicago, all California Judges and politicians, 90% of Hollywood, and most of the EU leadership. Not to mention second and third world socialist leaders, 50% of the Catholic Church, etc. etc. etc… OH, I’m Sorry!!! All those people have convictions - to make huge
money, gain power, and lord it over people who they think as
lesser. (What was that term Hillary used?)

Ann Hedonia, thanks for sharing that. I don’t know whether to get drunk or weep. Better to go with both.

Right, like Republicans wouldn’t have screamed bloody murder for 13 investigations and Obama’s impeachment if he’d had the audacity to do that. Funny how it means nothing to them now.

What, signed more executive orders? Had more denied by the courts? Traveled on a 7:1 clip as far as budget is concerned compared to Obama? Couldn’t even pass a bill with his own party?

The only thing Trump has done is aimed us for a shithole. He’ll have thirteen hundred-odd more days to put us there.

Ok, so even if this bit of insanity were true. Why is the solution to elect a trust fund billionaire who is the caricature and of wealth and excess and have him seed his cabinet full of Goldman Sachs cronies?

I think that’s primarily it. My in-laws live only an hour and a half from New York City and they are firmly in Trump country. Theirs is a simple little world of Fox News where the cheerful casual racism of their neighbors won’t be challenged.

For people out there, I’m sure they love seeing Trump piss off all the smug Liberals who constantly mock their ignorance.

My bold.

*We *who? *All *who? I’m smart enough. Maybe you are. Fox watchers aren’t. I know some of them and they routinely quote opinion as gospel. They can’t tell the difference.


And for many Trump voters, the pleasures of marinating in the dismay of liberals is only part of the promise fulfilled: a bigger part, for many, is Trump’s designation (via his acolyte Sessions) of Latino people as quasi-official second-class humans:

The very point of Sessions’ targeting for deportation those people who’ve been living productive, law-abiding lives—instead of the murderers, drug-dealers, and rapists mentioned so often during the campaign—is to let all Latino people know that they are NOT considered to be a valid part of American life.

Each media story about the deportation of a mother torn away from her child, or of a DACA student brought here as a baby, thrills the base with its clear message that what is wrong with those people is not that they are costing the USA money or committing violence—what is wrong with them is that they are Latino.

Trump voters will stand for any amount of outright corruption and self-dealing from Trump; for any amount of collusion with a foreign adversary; for any amount of incompetence and ineptitude—so long as Trump lets them glory in their (supposed) racial superiority. (And I say that as a white person.)

Right. Keep mocking. Why don’t you get yourself a “Trump: 4 more years!” bumpersticker for your Prius while you are at it?

You aren’t calling any of it wrong.

In Tennessee–i.e. Trump Country their view is—

We sure is tickin off them Big City Libruls!”


Uh, no. I have plenty of friends who are not opposed to Latinos in the US, but who are quite adamantly opposed to people in the country “illegally”, as they put it. Including, I’m going to point out, a couple of Latino friends, who would cheerfully see all the “illegals” deported and forced to use the proper system to return. These people are also opposed to those who over-stay their visas, or who take advantage of our visa laws to gain residency (think Russian brides), etc. They don’t mind that we take in some refugees, but don’t want the refugee program to become a tail wagging the dog. And they were VERY happy to see Mr. Trump gain office.

And this gets back to something that caused problems during the campaign. Too often the Democratic Party and its followers would take some very obnoxious statement from Candidate Trump, and use it as evidence that he and his followers were all racist xenophobic monsters. That sort of rhetoric did nothing to convince centrist voters with concerns about immigration (or whichever other issue* du jour* was under discussion) to vote for Hillary Clinton. Personally, I thought the stupid bit about grabbing pussy would be the final nail in the coffin. But any attempt to motivate those who I thought would be reasonable/rational voters into considering Ms. Clinton by tarring them with the dirt of Mr. Trump’s behaviors and views failed miserably, and quite frankly backfired, as these people rejected the implication that, just because they supported Mr. Trump for what they considered valid, non-racist/sexist/homophobic/any-other-ist-ism-ic reasons, they were “deplorable.”

So I am actually a Republican and even live in a county in the Midwest that Trump won heavily. I understandably actually talk to a lot of Republicans that largely voted for him…unlike me.

Treating “Trump voter” and “Trump supporter” as synonomous is a problem for trying to understand what’s going on across the right in my area. Most of those I talk to on the right didn’t ever support him. They held their noses and voted for him in November but were part of the majority that voted for someone else in the primaries. Some disliked him less than they disliked Clinton. Some figured at least a Republican working with a Republican Congress could get something done on agenda items they cared about. Among that group I am tending to see frustration that he not only campaigned as but is governing as, in your words, “a superficial, ignorant, irrational blowhard with no clear convictions.” There’d been some hope/belief that the campaign had a measure of showmanship and hyperbole. Surely he’d settle down some. Hope is dwindling though. Incidentally there’s a chunk of them that seem to be holding on harder to those last vestiges of hope because of the messaging in resistance to Trump. Hyperbole in opposition to Trump, especially hyperbole that lumps all them in with the most deplorable of the deplorable alt-right is making it tougher for them to overcome their partisan urges. Trump’s the person that is at least not insulting them.

I haven’t had much recent contact with the only Republican I know who supported him in the primaries. He was more responding to messaging that fit the later “drain the swamp” slogan with some security issues related to immigration and counter-terrorism. I really don’t know what’s happened with his views.

The other two that were supportive during the primary season are actually traditional Democratic voters. They are both GM retirees. That shouldn’t be all that shocking if you understand the Midwest labor vote. Immigration (aka labor protectionism) and trade protectionism were, pretty stereotypically, major issues for them. Last I knew they were still buying the spin around company announcements on new facilities in the US. They were glad we stopped the move towards the TPP. They seemed to be hoping trade protectionism was coming in other areas. I haven’t talked to them since the softening on rhetoric with respect to trade with China. That could be a BIG issue for them to accept.

DinoR, I have much the same experience, living here in South Carolina.

I also have FB friends who were voters for him despite disliking him personally. One of them was voting solely on the issue of judicial picks. So far, he’s quite satisfied.

Yeah, but it’s good to have a christian in the white house again, amiright?


From Fox News comments on Facebook, many Trumpers are still posting “Trump is getting it done!” approving comments, but others are beginning to grumble about Trump backtracking on promises or turning out to be a liberal in disguise. Six months from now they may fully turn on him in rage if he is perceived as a lefty who fooled them.