What do you call people from...... Maine, Ohio, Nevada? Can we list them all?

I was googling to see if the word “New Hampshirite” is just something made up by some friends and me, and I found this site which claims to have all of the US terms for state residents.

And yes, we’re apparently New Hampshirites. (And my neighbors to the south are Massholes only when they’re behind the wheel of a car. :wink: )

I was a Mainer.

Please don’t call me a “Maynard”. OK?? It’s not that it hurts me, it’s just, well, so goddamned annoying.

You can call me a Masshole, though.

I use Québécois to describe most French Canadians, usually from Quebec. However, to describe my own French Canadian roots, I am Acadienne. Often accused of “bad french”. There are some on both sides who look down their noses at each other, but I’m not that snobby.

I am also a Maritimer. :wink:

Oh, yeah - and we call people from Newfoundland (and they have introduced themselves to me, IME) “Newfies”. :stuck_out_tongue:

44 posts, and no love for the Marylanders.

Y’know, I lived there for years, and I just realized I either never knew for sure or don’t remember:

What, really, should you call someone from Washington D.C.?

Washingtonians is certainly used, but aren’t people from WA the true Washingtonians?

Columbians? Nahhhh.

District-of-Columbians? Seems accurate, but kind of a mouthful.

I suggest “Deeceesians”!

What about Utah? Utan’s perhaps?

Hawaii=Hawaiian, but that doesn’t seem right. We usually refer to Hawaiians as in native Hawaiians, which are a small percent of the population (unless you count 1/16th ancestry calling themselves Hawaiians).

As a haole, I don’t think I’d identify myself as a Hawaiian to people from other states.

What do you call people from India. I’ve heard the term Hindus.


Bah. That site has me down as a Michiganite? I, in my 30 years, have never heard that one.

I’ve always been a “Michigander.” My Armenian ex-girlfriend liked “Michiganian” better.

I new a girl from Connecticut once, who I called a “Connecticutie.” She liked that.


I grew up in Wyoming, and I was taught in school that a person from Wyoming is a Wyomingite. Sounds like a rock to me.

Are people from Oregon Oregonisms? (yuck, yuck)

Oregasms would probably work better.

This isn’t related to residents of a state, but it’s close:

I live in northeastern Oklahoma, near a town called Bartlesville. Several decades ago, the City Council of Bartlesville decided to hold a public election to choose an official name for the town’s residents. Among the options were “Bartlesvillagers,” “Bartlesvillians,” and “Bartlesvillites.”

The winner – a term that is still used – was “Bartians.”

I find this strangely amusing. The first thing that occurred to me when I saw the word “Bartians” was this: since Martians come from Mars, is it not logical to assume that Bartians come from bars?

Montana = “Montanan’s”

Another agreement to the note that calling just anyone from Hawaii “Hawaiian” is potentially outright INCORRECT.

Other thoughts in this older thread.

Agreed. The argument has always been between “Michigander” and “Michiganian”. Only an outsider would come up with “Michiganite”.


Arkansan. Not the faux hillbilly affectation “Arkansawyer”. Arkansan.

Thank you.

I am one, I like it, and I’ve always used Connecticutian to refer to me my fellow Nutmeggers.

As an aside: I always find your name startling, because I once hooked up with a lovely girl who I met through a usenet group – similar in tone to the SDMB – who used Lucretia as her alias. (Actually, she used the full name.) I always do a double-take at your name and check your join date, but alas, you are never her. (I sent her a link to the SDMB two years ago, but she said she couldn’t get the board to load.)

Quit a bit of truth, actually. For revenge, they call us Connecticunts.

Never heard of either of those. I’ve lived here for over two decades, with a year away thrown in here and there. But I’m much more NY-oriented than Connecticut-oriented, being near the border, so it’s quite possible people use them.

That cite somebody posted listed the official resident name as Connecticuter…I have never in my life heard this term. I will be sure and ask everybody I know what they call us, and see if anyone comes up with it.

But let’s go international and try to solve a problem that’s been bugging mankind since 1925:

In English, what on earth do you call a person from Oslo? :confused:

Yes, “Hawaiian” is about bloodlines, not residency. I was born here and am a “native,” but I never call myself a Hawaiian, as my skin is as white as Conan O’Brien’s.