What do you call this type of street?

I select “Something Else” because you can’t select more than one…
Ironically the one I don’t call it is the one that has been select most (at the time of me posting): “Frontage Road”.

If someone said to me any of the following terms, they would match in my mind what you described:
access road
service road
feeder road.

Bingo. From the same place, and while I call them access roads, I’ve also heard the term “service road” to describe them. I’ve never heard anyone use the term “frontage road.”

I can’t think of a single example around Atlanta of the road type described in the OP. We do have frontage roads along each side of some interstate highways, but those are for 2-way traffic and serve the purpose of easier access to businesses. I can’t say that I have ever seen a setup with 1-way traffic roads on either side of a major thoroughfare.

Where I grew up, there was one actually signed “Frontage Road,” so I call them that. However, I don’t think I have ever seen one that didn’t have one lane going in each direction.

In fact, there’s a “Frontage Road” in downtown Oakland that runs alongside Interstate 880.
Here’s a street sign with the name on it.

Service road in New York. I grew up on one of them - which became a service road when they demolished the houses across the street and dug an expressway.

Yeah, they’re pretty common in DC, it’s a good place for cabs to drop off passengers and delivery trucks to stop without blocking the main road.

Okay. I looked at the picture. There’s one street that sort of looks like this in near Huntington Avenue in Boston, but I don’t think it’s quite the same thing.

I call it a service drive, not a service road.


Southern Ontario; they are called service roads, and in fact are often named that. Near here, running more or less parallel to the QEW/403 freeway, many businesses are located on North Service Road or South Service Road.

I’m surprised that frontage road is in the lead, I don’t think I had ever heard that term before.

I’d call them “the side of the boulevard”, but I’d be translating directly from Spanish. I see from previous responses I’m not the only one who’d use that name, though.

It’s more common in the Western U.S. Sometimes you’ll see a sign along the freeway identifying one as a “Frontage Road”. They’re more common in rural areas.

There is one of those in Baltimore County, just north of Hillen - Loch Raven Boulevard. Or perhaps that was Hillendale, been a while.
