What do you do about people blocking the passing lane?

I know the difference and this is a nitpick with no relevance since I said they don’t have a right. If you agree that they DON’T have a right, then what is your point? What did I say that isn’t true?


I’m not somebody who does that in the firts place. I’m a bit of a lead foot, but I don’t have this self-absorbed sense of entitlement that other people need to get out of the way for me. You don’t have the right to break the law. End of story.

What a load of horse manure. “I apologize for not being the way I secretly am.” :rolleyes:

Anyone certainly does have every right to do as they please and suffer the consequences of their actions if it ends up getting them in trouble of some sort. What you don’t seem to understand is your insufferable compulsion to impose yourself on their ability to do so.

Story continues. :cool:

Unnecessary - common knowledge to competent drivers. I’m certainly not going to waste my time looking it up for you. Maybe a re-test at the DMV is in order?

May I suggest a course at your local community college on how to use the internet to find useful information?

I googled

“keep right except to pass” laws

and this was the first hit.

What are you even talking about? I’ve apologized for nothing, am not “secretly” anything and have not imposed myself on anybody. What are you responding to?

There are only six states which only allow the left lane for passing. That’s hardly “most.”

I asked for a cite that “most” states have this law. In fact, only six do.

I provided the cite already. Only six states have laws that allow the left lane only for passing. Don’t pop off if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Nobody has any “rights”, about anything.

It’s all just social custom/laws/things we humans made up.

One of the things we made up is that you’re supposed to get the fuck out of the way if you’re in left lane and others want to go faster than you. Regardless of the speed (they do write tickets for blocking left lane even if the flow of traffic is exceeding the speed limit).

Reminds me of the Ron White bit: “I’m teaching this mu*&fu&^r to count…”

I disagree. This is not a real thing. This is something people delusionally believe they’re entitled to, but you can’t be blocking traffic if you’re going the legal limit.

But the majority of them have laws that you have to move to the right if you are going slower than the rest of the traffic or impeding traffic. In other words, if you are not passing, move to the right.

(bolding mine) Don’t understand why this is so hard to understand.

Apparently he did not read the cite he did not provide, either. I expect next he will call for a cite to the definition of the terms “six,” “law” and “state”.

Most of the rest say you have to stay right if you’re slower than the “normal speed” of traffic. Note, they very specifically do not say anything about the speed limit.

Therefore, a statement of “if you’re going the speed limit you can stay left” is incorrect in the 30 or so states that have that type of law.

However, you’re right that they also do not say you have to stay right except to pass.

What an idiotic mess, 50 laws for one concept.

That’s because lawmakers and state troopers are really concerned foremost with traffic safety.

Being pedantic about some irrational need to block traffic is reserved for SDMB posters.

Ok, I understand you aren’t familiar with the laws, I’m guessing you take the bus or just ride your skateboard everywhere and you haven’t taken the time to even understand.

Some people are less educated about driving laws.

Here’s a logic question for you, let’s see how you do:
The police wouldn’t ticket people for this exact infraction (blocking left lane even though going over the posted limit) if you were correct would they?

Won’t work in Vermont - we have no billboards (banned by law).

What I hate is being in the left lane, slowly passing traffic in the right, with people ahead of me doing the same – and some doofus comes up behind and starts flashing his lights. Dude, there’s a guy in front of my, and a guy in front of him, and someone in front of him. Where do you think you are going to go?