What does your non-vanity license plate mean?

My mom’s old car: KSU 161. It was always ‘Kiss you’…
My dad’s old car: NWD 034. I never thought of an acronym, but the combination always seemed suitably masculine… dark colours and all that.

Now the generic Ontario plates are four letters, three numbers. Lots of possibilities…

Marlitharn, it’s a good thing I live in Canada, eh? :slight_smile:

00-D-12345 - Bought in '00 - in Dublin - and the sequential number of cars bought in Dublin that year.

Boring, eh?

However, my first rustbucket, that I bought for £30, was RFC 123 P which stood for Ratty Fuckin’ Car.


I 69 fur.

Hee hee hee hee :slight_smile:

What can I say, whoever gave me this license plate could obviously spot a dyke at 100 paces!

Max :slight_smile:

Well, our system is even more boring than the Irish one.

My plate reads PR-SF-## (numbers erased to protect the somewhat guilty of speeding).

What the hell can you make of that? Pretty Rude Science Fiction?

Then there’s my motorbike. MT-##-VX (again, the ##'s stand for numbers). Another boring one: what to make of that?

And to top it all off, there are no vanity plates in the Netherlands. Too bad, I wouldn’t mind COLDFR as a license plate. :slight_smile:

Ours has the year I was born, as written by a dyslexic. Of course, I’m a little dyslexic so I mentally reversed the middle numbers when we picked up the plate from the DMV. I remarked to the clerk, “Hey, that’s the year I was born…almost.” :slight_smile:

Oh, and those numbers are preceded by two letters: VR.

I only remember the last plate I had while I was in Florida - 098 FCU. I remembered the letters as Florida Colleges and Universities. Granted, I had nothing to do with any Florida Colleges OR Universities at the time, but it was an easy way to remember it.

Mine is funny: Y 11-02. 11/2 is the day I first started knowing the guy I ended up marrying. So it’s like a question, why 11/02?

It’s also got some japanese on it, but I have no idea what it says.

Old Plate was:

521 TMX

12:55 Timex

New one is:

AMLY 215

I don’t have a good one for this one yet… too new… any suggestions?

I don’t remember my numbers, but the letters can’t be forgotten.

PPN. Pee-pee’n…ah yes.

T34 KGB.

It’s good for Russian around.

My Idaho plate was my street address from when I was a child. The DMV for my county was a single woman in the basement of the county assessor’s office. When I went to pick up the plate she reached behind her into a box of plates. I said, “Do you mind if I browse through those?” She said it wouldn’t make her no nevermind so I found the plate 4069. It was a sort of regulation-vanity plate.

Nope. Only to certified dispatcher schmucks like myself.

The last three of my plate is RRF, which my phonetically alphabetized brain insists on thinking of as Robert Robert Frank, but I think I like Ruh-Roh, Fred better.

psst, Sunspace…if I really really want to, I can get Canadian plates…it just takes a few days…sleep well (giggle)…

I wanted to reply to this earlier but it timed-out and then I forgot about it. Anyway, what I was going to suggest is name the car Emily. :slight_smile:

I bought my first new car about two years ago. I nearly choked before I could get out of the tag office. My first three letters are FCD.
To make matters worse it’s a Ford Focus. Yes I drive the F**KED Focus :slight_smile:

When we moved to Louisiana and registered our cars in Jefferson Parish, they had the nerve to charge us sales tax for the difference between where we’d bought the cars and the exorbitant sales tax here (why don’t these people have decent property taxes so we don’t pay these ridiculous sales taxes???). Anyway, I digress. It made it very easy to remember our license plates: JTZ ***, aka Jefferson Tax Zone.

I wouldnt mind Ludovic as a vanity tag. If I had a PT Cruiser, I’d get Outatime (anyone get that reference?)

I used to have a tag (i forget the first 3 characters,) that read X0X VAS. (As in vas deferens, easy to remember.)

Having that on a DeLorean would make sense but why a PT Cruiser? Does it have to do with the name or the look?

Emily. Hmmm, no.

Actually, Emily is about the only word that comes to mind when I read the licence plate… then I look at the car and I could never call it Emily.


  1. I have an ex named Emily
  2. It’s a Black Sunfire GT.
  3. It has a picture of Homer screaming in the back window
    4.It says “Your Mom Drives a Volkswagon” on the rear windshield.

Not really “Emily” Material…

BPD ***

Burnsville Police Department?

It’s a suburb of the Twin Cities near the suburb in which I live.

Now that I’ve put you all to sleep, sweet dreams.

The look. It’s the cheapest car that has a vague Noir feel. The reference is to Elvis Costellos “A Man Out of Time.”