What exactly would happen if Sarah Palin was elected president?

What would happen if Sarah Palin becomes POTUS? It would give everyone in the world compelling proof that Americans are idiots.

When she speaks it sounds like a wet cat being put through a wringer to dry out.

I’d like to put Sarah Palin’s wet cat throught the wringer.

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria!

I think we’d see lots of provocations by lots of two-bit countries and maybe a major provocation or attack by some country with the will and the means to back it up. I think you’d see her stamp her little foot while screeching “But we, we’re Americans, no fair, no fair. You can’t do that to America.” I would expect to find us fighting a bunch of two-bit wars here and there for no purpose and with no end in sight. I think we will have to hire soldiers from Mexico as we will not have enough to go around.

I’m haunted by the thought that we haven’t seen the end of Dick Cheney and that in his next incarnation, he’ll have a hell of a lot more open power than he had before. City jails will have the open authority to water board and/or use whatever other means of torture comes to mind; it will mean a return to the dark ages and robber barons.

I think mostly the center of government would move elsewhere. Either to an influential individual or simply to congress/the senate as a whole.

The one thing I could see getting passed is pro-Christian, anti-sin legislation. I think there’s enough support among the majority that you would see complete same-sex union bans, anti-choice legislation, removal of evolution from schools, possibly even pro-Christian rhetoric being inserted into schools.

Only intelligentsia sorts (on both sides) are holding back the tide against popular support, and that’s a pretty strong tide to hold back. Eventually it would all come back to the Supreme Court (and hopefully be slapped down), but I don’t want to have to bet on that.

Well I’m sure Dick Cheney would be happy to head up her VP search committee…

I think the first midterm election in a Palin Presidency would make the gains of 1994, 2006, and likely 2010 look like a student council election.*

I think the DEMs would take over 65 to 70 Senate seats. Even in reliably Red states.

*This makes no sense

She’d quit halfway through to position herself better to be elected president of Earth in 2016.

I still don’t get why so many people think she’s hot. Bleach!..she’s repulsive looking!

I would think it largely be Bush 2.0 with more gridlock. I’m not sure she would be as amenable to puppeteering, though people would try. She might be controllable in some ways (issues she knows nothing about and is emotionally indifferent to), and I think she would farm out a lot of the hard work, but she’s also more narcissistic than Bush, less intelligent, less ethically restrained and completely incapable of self-evaluation. I think this would result in her pushing executive powers as far as she could in every direction, while simultaneously demonizing any and all critics, and characterizing the other branches of governmnt as personal enemies of her and the country.

There are enough checks and balances that I don’t think she could completely destroy the country, but she could do a lot of damage with things like judicial appointments, the use of the Justice Department (remember when she said that if she was ever elected POTUS she would use the “Department of Law” [sic] to go after anyone who said mean things about her?)

She would end up becoming massively unpopular, and would either be soundly defeated for reelection, or (reading the writing on the wall, and having as fragile an ego as she does) resign before the end of her first term, and giving a nonsensical, word salad rationale for it just like when she quit in Alaska.

Palin isn’t ever going to get elected President, though. Her favorability with the public has steadily shrunk since the 2008 election, and the polls show that an overwhelming majority of voters – even a solid majority of self-identified Republicans – don’t believe she’s qualified for the office.

I think that within a few more years, she’ll basically be a right wing Nader – popular with the wingnuts, possibily a third party protest candidate – but not somebody who will ever achieve mainstream credibility as a contender.

That’s what you think she would do? She would start more wars doing gods work. Wouldn’t we eventually have to pay for them. Iran would be her first target. Do you not think military expenses are part of the government? She ,like Bush would greatly increase the size and power of the government while decrying the dems ,who are not .

Yes, you and I were making different points; I just used your sentence as a springboard for my own point.

My point is that we’d have much more to worry about than just her appointing Bozo the clown to the judiciary, and letting religious views affect spending.

The big worry would be if global security issue arose and there was no one sensible in charge to set course. This was, I think, the big problem with GWB. Other Administrations had their Rumsfelds and Wolfowitzes, but there’s supposed to be someone in the Oval Office responsible enough to say “Let’s think about what happens after the fall of Bagdad”, rather than just “Whatever Dick and Don say, my head hurts.”

You can’t fix stupid.

Agree. She’s had enough years already, to grow mature get a clue pull her head out of her ass. What are people supposed to do? Wait forever? I don’t think so. I don’t want to put her in the WHite House and hope she grows up, I’d rather have a person in there who already has their act together.

This phrase you have in mind ‘fiscal conservative’, it does not mean what you think it means. Moreso given the recent enormous failure of the private sector.

Palin wants to increase the size of government too. She wants a huge military spending increase. And she wants to cut taxes, so she favors a massive increase in the deficit.

Not even counting George W Bush the world was in shock that we elected Reagan. Here’s how Britain’s top satirical show reacted to Reagan’s election :

As far as the thread goes there’s no way Palin makes it. It’s like discussing whether Triumph the comic insult dog will make it to the White House. Having said that I think she’s a long term project for the right. The guy who transformed Nixon after he lost to Kennedy and turned him into an electable figure is now running Fox News. It’s a hell of an ask for the people at Fox but if over a number of years they can gradually give her some policy chops (let’s face it no Republicans know much about economics, know almost nothing about foreign policy etc., look at Bush) and if they can graft some gravitas onto the you betcha she could become a credible candidate maybe in time for 2016.

And if she did win in 2016, or if the economy gets so bad she coul ride a wave of populist resentment into the WH in 2012, I’d be quite happy. Although that’s because the 2008 economic meltdown wasn’t devastating enough to make the country demand wholesale changes and the sooner things get really bad again the sooner we’ll be able to fix what’s wrong. I think she’d get us there in a hurry.

To be fair they ripped the piss out of everything. Brilliantly.

I don’t think she can be compared to Nixon. Nixon actually had some brains and some substance. he was charismatically and ethically challenged, yes, but still essentially qualified, technically competent, and in some instances, even capable of genuine achievement. He wasn’t an empty suit, just a paranoid and corrupt one. Palin is a vaccuum. It’s one thing to put lipstick on a pig, but Palin isn’t even that. She’s only lipstick.