What factors influence visible aging aside from genes?

Looking at pics of 40+ women on a dating website, I can almost always tell which one is a smoker. The look older, a lot older.

Through what mechanism would moderate use of opiates make people look younger?
Moderate use of stimulants seems to have positive effects, although I don’t know if they actually make one look younger. I figure they may well since there seems to be a strong correlation between things that make you healthier and things that make you appear younger and vice versa.
On the stimulants: Coffee! It's Not Bad for You, and It might Even be Good! - YouTube

“reviews of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies suggest that long-term treatment with amphetamine decreases abnormalities in brain structure and function found in subjects with ADHD, and improves function in several parts of the brain, such as the right caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia”

I’m curious about how psychological phenomena could make someone look older.

How much difference is there between a full head of hair and a shaved head in terms of looking older/younger?

Florida man/woman and other mug shots tend to look older than their age and even when they look young (because they’re quite young), it’s possible to see how they’ll fall apart in a few years.

Don’t know about the mechanism, but have you ever seen before and after photos of a US President? Eight years in that office tends to age one about 20+ years, on average.

Yep. And young parents with little kids often seem to look older than childless people of the same age.

Compare the mother in 76 with 79-80. It hit her hard.