What famous figures were you most surprised to discover were huge assholes?

Beck appears to be so crazy that I’m not sure words like asshole even apply. But it’ll do in a pinch.

I dunno if it qualifies him as an “asshole”, but I was very unhappy when I realized that G.K. Chesterton, who wrote a favorite book of mine (The Man Who Was Thursday), was an anti-semite.

Robert Moses. He had a hand in building bridges, parks and expressways all around the New York area. He lived in Gilgo Beach on Long Island. Most of the bridges he was involved with that spanned from New York City to Long Island have no walkways or train traffic. That was to keep the lower classes who could not afford cars, from getting to his beloved Gilgo Beach.

Frank Lloyd Wright
Steve Jobs

Lets fight some more. :wink: The kidnapping took place at the Lindbergh house in East Amwell (Hunterdon County) but most reports said it was in Hopewell (Mercer County). The trial took place in the Hunterdon County Courthouse in Flemington.

I had nothing against Anita Bryant prior to 1977 and nothing against O J Simpson prior to 1994.

Now their names are synonamous with “huge asshole.”

I don’t think Googling “person’s name asshole” is a reliable way of determining whether that person is in fact an asshole. You only got 7,800 hits, but if you Google:

“mother teresa asshole” - 31,500 hits
“mahatma ghandi asshole” - 26,600 hits
“barack obama asshole” - 871,000 hits
“barney the dinosaur asshole” - 108,000 hits

What about “Mahatma Gandhi”?

Only 10,300 hits (with “asshole”). Apparently the combination is more popular with the semiliterate.

And for his actual name, Mohandas Gandhi (in combination with “asshole”): 12,700.

Anita Bryant asshole yields 7740 hits.

O J Simpson asshole yields 90,600 hits!

Try “Anita Bryant bitch”.

No surprise for me, this is how he was originally presented to me. I was lucky enough to have an awesome teacher for AP American History (junior year of high school) who taught us straight-up that Jackson was a humongeous asshole. “If I could go back in time, I would go meet Andrew Jackson, and punch him in the face!”

I’d second the nominations of: Martin Luther King Jr., Henry Ford and Orson Scott Card.

Ok, my brain just went down Perv Driven with this one. Anyone else?

I had nothing against Tom Cruise until he state that he (a high school dropout Scientologist) knew more about psychiatry than Brooke Shields (a Princeton cum laude graduate under psychiatric care).

At that point, I screamed ASSHOLE!!!

Tom Cruise asshole yields 225,000 hits.

The Goatse guy?

I thought Alex Rodriguez seemed nice until about 1998. It may just have been that Griffey’s assholishness overshadowed A-Rod’s, and I didn’t notice him. Every year since he’s turned in to a bigger and bigger douche.

Christopher Reeve. Broke, my heart when I heard all the rumors about him.

Daffy Duck, OTOH, was a decorated Marine sniper in Vietnam.

I dunno. When I think O.J., I think more “huge pain in the neck” than “huge asshole.”

Most great men (and women) of history have been assholes. Comes with the territory.

I agree. They say Rosa Parks might not have refused to give up her seat if she wasn’t a difficult woman to begin with.