What games make the most use of the PC's power?

My only assertion is that Rome II, at its lowest actual settings, could probably run on the PS4. Not a hypothetical, stripped-down version of Rome II, but the actual, real-life game. The actual settings let you lower the resolution, the graphics, and even the unit sizes. Doing so on the PC doesn’t turn the game into something that isn’t Total War.

I also asserted that such a port would be a bad idea, so you don’t even need to treat this as another front in your “pc vs console” eternal struggle.

I objected to your Witcher 3 strawman because there is no combination of actual Witcher 3 settings that could run on the PS2, and that’s obvious.

:rolleyes: Ok, now I know where you’re coming from.

It could graphically handle a stripped down version, but you’re overestimating the capabilities of console CPUs. Desktop CPUs from 2007 can run circles around them. That’s going to be the limiting factor this time around, for this decade - CPUs that some tablets already outclass.