What gives? (Alphabet Game)

Harder than it seems, ain’t it? No telling how many times I have reread posts, edited for spelling or grammar, reread again, posted them, and after the edit window is closed I will spot the boo-boo.

Speaking of which, spot the error(s):

There are four errors in this sentence <period>

Okay, it’s as inappropriate a place as any:
My 14-year-old friend’s favorite joke–

Q. How do you get an elephant into a Safeway shopping bag?

A. You take the “s” out of “Safe”, and the “f” out of “way”.

get it?

The period is an interesting try, but that’s not the error I’m after.

I believe I get it. There’s no effin’ way?

:smack: I had to read that about 6 times before I finally got it.
I think.

А мальчик может делать все, от его получения интересной работы хранятся сдержанной

iGoogle cheated

I want that on a T-shirt. Nicely done, there, Tapioca Dextrin.

Yup. Once again, Zeldar rocks.

I’m sure you’re right. :smiley:

P.S. How about, “there are five R’s in this sentence”?

I get four if I count the word “errors” as one of the four. Right?

That’s at least as good as the answer I was after.

The way it works is that there are only three errors, two spelling and one mismatched subject/verb; therefore the truth of the sentence is wrong, making the fourth error (the sentence is a lie), so with your clever addition and the missing period, the Fore ought to be spelled correctly or be changed to Sicks, so that the veracity of the sentence remains the missing error.

I think the original version only had two and one of them was “misteak” for “error” so I was trying to disguise it for those who may have run across it before.

Y’all too smart for such a gimmicky stunt, though.

See the explanation to Rhubarb’s solution. Same idea. Nice work.

I’m having a bit of memory haze on where it was that I read the thing about the errors in the sentence. Wherever it was, there ought to be more fun to be had by following the examples of Raymond Smullyan or Douglas Hofstadter. Know any other authors in their genres?

For readers of this thread:

I considered starting a new thread for this next bit of nonsense, but since this one has sunk like a stone, I figured “Why waste another thread title?”

Here’s the idea:

I just did my usual Yahoo! search for entries for what I hoped would be nonsense words: dron, drin, dren, dran, drun, and even dryn. Amazingly I got at least a page of hits on each one. None of them are what I would call “common” and some are more-or-less acronym type things or foreign words. But they got Google (Yahoo!) hits all the same. Bummer!

**The Challenge:

Come up with a “word” that has NO GOOGLE ENTRIES! A true nonce word.**

(Isn’t there a name for such a thing?)

Well, I tried:


—no dice. However, my ninth attempt, “talwaype”, produced:

talwaype - Google Search

Google returned no results for this search.
ditto “scorvud”.

Nice! Now we need a definition. Ideas?

talwaype, n. : that bird in the middle of the night who wakes you up
scorvud, v. : to procure a desired result from someone by exploiting their own solipsism

I’ve got one. Swanklemen, being the regular crew of the ship of Swank. Very closely related to Cambridge ladies with furnished souls.

Ouch! On that second one. :smiley:

I would try to capitalize on the various components of “talwaype” such as:

tall (abbreviated)

and move toward some type of failsafe recording device used as an answering machine for when you’re on an extended away-from-home venture. Like a prison sentence or a trip to Gitmo.

Hmmmm. I’m seeing some small dogs coming into view for this one.