What happened to Mr. Wizard?

As I said I can’t find a listing on the net and I understand your concern about posting it publicly. If you wouldn’t mind E-mailing it to me, that would be appreciated. My address is on my profile

I know I had the hots for one of Beakman’s assistants, but I can’t remember which one, I think I only saw one of them. I know it wasn’t the rat, but a perky female human.

Ah, I think it was this one.

Oh, maybe not…maybe it was this one.

Coincidentally, I’m using Don Herbert’s “Mr. Wizard’s Experiments for Young Scientists” as a mousepad right now. Cool.

I wonder if Nick would even consider doing another series like Mr. Wizard. It seems they’re only concerned with crappy cartoons now. Whatever happened to “David The Gnome”, or “The Little Koalas” I loved those growing up.

Badtz. The second one (Eliza Schneider, IRL) is the goofy one I liked. I don’t even remember the chubby one (Senta Moses). Wasn’t there yet another one? Checking IMDB…

Yeah. Alanna Ubach as Josie. Seems like she’s been in quite a few indie flicks since she last donned the lab coat.

More cool facts:

Apparently Eliza is now doing many of the female voices for South Park since Mary Kay Bergman died.

The show’s costume desginer, Betsey Potter, was nominated four years in a row for a Daytime Emmy in Outstanding Achievement in Costume Design. Looks like we’re not the only one who appreciate a middle-aged man in a giant rat costume.

Jetassisted, what did you mean by “the apparently now restricted Fraggle Rock”?

Good morning,

I live in Hammond, Indiana, a suburb from Chicago, and “Betsy” lived in our city and went to our high school. We have a very good website promoting Hammond (Jean Shepherd’s home town and real location of his “Christmas Story”).

Hosting the website, I would like to know if anyone knows what happened to “Betsy”. Her real name was Susie Levin.

Please let us know how we might contact her. If she does not want to be bothered or remembered, let us know that, too.

Our site is: hhs59.com
You may contact me directly through that site using email links provided.

I was a great fan of Mr. Wizard but never got to know Susie Levin personally. By the way, our 1959 class of graduates from Hammond High School (Indiana) ended up with more than 17 Ph.D.s; college presidents, CEOs, VP of Lockheed Martin, VP of IBM, successful teachers, doctors, parents and more. Mr. Wizard had an effect on all of us.

Richard Barnes, Ph.D.

I was never of a fan or Mr. Wizard. Julius Sumner Miller (aka “Professor Wonderful”) was far superior.

Being that Don Herbert passed away in 2007, I’m sure there’s a zombie joke waiting to happen.

FYI, this is a 13 year old thread.

Didn’t Mr. Wizard do a segment on zombies?


I disagree with FannyMae’s suggestion for a show that’s more “real” or focused on something from a college physics class. One thing that made Mr. Wizard great was that he dealt with the very basics of science. There was a “gee whiz” factor in just about everything he did, but he was dealing with the fundamental concepts of everyday science, and that’s what hooked so many of us on science and nature. And that’s still what people need.
Incidentally, when I grew up (age-wise, anyway) and began to teach middle school science, I often attended the annual National Science Teachers Association conventions, and he occasionally spoke at them. And every time he walked anywhere, he was surrounded by a gaggle of science teachers, all saying that he was their main inspiration.
Also, regarding his approach to kids, he was not one of the “everyone gets a trophy” type of teacher, and though he was kind, he was not totally averse to saying, “No,” or “that’s not right,” to a child. He treated them with respect. His demonstrations were designed with genius. A true great.

A couple decades I lived in the Shadyside section of Pittsburgh, which was the neighborhood of Misterogers, and I’d see Fred Rogers on the street sometimes. If you have ever wondered whether Misterogers was an “act”, no, that was just Fred.

zombie or no

if he did it was on

Mr Wizard’s World

The original, black and white, 1950’s show was called Watch Mr. Wizard.

in 1983 he came out with Mr Wizard’s World.

Since this is a tv zombie, let’s move to Cafe Society from General QUestions.

samclem, moderator

And one of the older ones I have a post in. Indeed, we lived right near him and my original post from 12 1/2 years ago is accurate.

I missed this thread the first time around. I watched Mr. Wizard on TV as a kid, and was surprised (when I inherited my unvcle’s collection of old Science Digests to learn that he had been doing it well before I was born. That he was still doing it during the early years of Nickelodeon flabbergasts me. I’m surprised he died as recently as 2007.
I did like his stuff – learned about mechanical engineering principles as well as science. Good science without condescension.