What happened to Thora Birch?--and other actors that seemed to disappear for no reason...

I said “bone,” not “pork.” There’s a difference! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, crap, I knew I wanted to mention someone else, but couldn’t remember who. Bridget Fonda, that’s who.

I’ll add Jennifer Jason Leigh, who’s had a few jobs since the 90s ended, notably in The Machinist, but otherwise not much in the way of big parts.

Also, in the same line as Rick Moranis, Martin Short also essentially disappeared from the spotlight, though he’s apparently still working.

Female lead in Love and War. She vanished mysteriously after the first season and was replaced by Annie Potts, although I don’t know whether this was her doing or the producers; it certainly made for a jarring halt to the ongoing relationship story with the male lead.

Seriously? That seems really harsh – why not just recast her part? Were there other problems with Fuller going on ?

Edit: Uh, it’s also really harsh on the actress, but that should go without saying, although I’ll say it anyway.

How about Devon Sawa, former cute kid actor with a lovely name? The problem being he grew up to be an ordinary looking guy (and got in a lot of trouble post-career).

Most of the names mentioned seem to be on the ‘B’ or ‘C’ list and simply don’t have what it takes to go on to a spectacular career. We observe plenty of ‘Chiefs’ (Pitt, Jolie, Depp, etc.) but forget they are surrounded by a huge number of plain old ‘Indians’.

Exactly! I won’t sit down with the intention to watch Roadhouse, but evidently I’ll sure as hell stop channel surfing to watch it. :confused:

Ken Wahl - I always think of him when actors suddenly drop from view. He allegedly got into a wreck, addicted to pain pills, was married to a penthouse pet… weird story on that guy.

A name for the younger dopers… Ellen Page. She’s been acting; but after Juno I thought she’d be the next big thing. Other than a few commercials and the movie Whip It… not much.

“Not much” evidently includes Inception, which was a huge hit, and the last X-Men movie.

I hear she was in a little-known indie called Inception.
ETA: Ninja’d.

All right, but apart from Juno, Inception, Whip It, and X-Men, and aqueducts, what has Ellen Page ever done for us?

My usual name for these is Penelope Ann Miller who was pretty busy in the early 90’s and then largely dropped off. Looking at her IMDb, she was apparently doing a bunch of TV movies I’d never heard of and actually had a few movie roles in the past couple years including The Artist (which I haven’t seen). So good for her, I guess.

Another absolutely stunning woman in her prime (she still looks good at 48) who was a favorite movie-star fantasy of mine when I was in my 20’s, along with both the equally gorgeous Elizabeth Perkins and Mary Louise Parker…

All three of these women will be turning heads on the streets well into their 60’s.

She gave me Biggus Dickus.

He has a wife, you know…

She was in an awesome superhero movie with Dwight from the office.

She’s voicing the main character in a very anticipated video game called Beyond: Two Souls. It should be out next year.

More scripted television is being produced today than has ever been produced in the history of television.

Wasn’t she in Sara before he made it to the A-list? (I think that was also Bronson Pinchot’s first TV series.) She also had a recurring role on Family Ties as someone for whom Alex worked at one point.

I wonder if actors’ agents think doing voice work is a bad thing (unless it’s for a big-budget animated movie, maybe), because you “disappear” for a while. Same with actors who do both movies and stage stuff.

I was going to mention Shia LeBeouf because I haven’t seen him since the Indiana Jones movie, but he’s been working steadily. I just haven’t seen the stuff that he’s done.

Let’s chuck in Jason Scott Lee. Made an incredible leap from Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go to College to the lead role in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story - which wasn’t a huge bit, but damn he was Bruce Lee - at which point Hollywood presumably ran of out roles for Hawaiian-Chinese actors. But he was in Rapa Nui, one of the classics of the “PG/12-certificate nudity genre”.

Jeff Daniels? The other guy from Dumb and Dumber? Came close to being a star - lead role in Arachnophobia, good support in Speed - but apart from Good Night and Good Luck seven years ago he never seemed to make that final push. Too chubby, not striking enough.

Now, as a kid, I always wondered what happened to all those British actors who were in the films on telly. Jack Hawkins, the bloke from The Cruel Sea. the one where they have to depth charge some stranded sailors 'cause they think there’s a submarine under them. Several generations of British people remember him from the films they used to show on rainy bank holidays - Monte Carlo or Bust, Zulu, Lawrence of Arabia, Ben-Hur etc. Of course, he was in his fifties, and he suffered from throat cancer, which killed off his career and also him. A similar fate befell Stanley Baker, who was in The Guns of Navarone. Stardom at a relatively late age, cancer.

Telly Savalas. Seemed to be huge when I was very young. But apart from Capricorn One, what happened? Utterly failed to escape from Kojak, and to be fair he did seem to only have one role in him (but, by God, he played that role with gusto).

He’s the lead in Aaron Sorkin’s new HBO show The Newsroom.