What happens if Trump and Chief Justice Roberts do this to steal the election?

So, since you brought up Nazis, were they following illegal orders? Did they think so at the time?

What differentiates a legal order from an illegal order, in your mind? As long as it comes from the proper chain of command it is legal?

Do you think that the troops that cleared out Lafayette Square were following legal or illegal orders?

I’m not trying to be snarky or gotcha, just trying to get a baseline on what you consider to be a legal order, and what could cause it to be an illegal order.

Yeah, you are, and I’m done playing that game.

No game, this is just a discussion. I don’t keep score or care about such things as internet points. The only game that is worth playing is understanding, and I only win if we both win.

I was actually trying to give you a chance to explain what you mean by following legal orders. That’s rather vague as to what extent is an illegal order, especially as some of the actions taken are in fact in courts and the legality of them is very questionable.

Peaceful protesters are being harassed, beaten, and detained without cause. Property is being damaged, people are shot at in their own homes with rubber bullets. Peaceful protesters are being deliberately shot in the head with “less lethal” munitions.

If that’s legal, then it sure as hell shouldn’t be. Authoritarians use the law against the people it is supposed to protect. If you truly believe that nothing that was done by the federal agents in Portland was illegal, then you should be even more concerned about our future.

I’m trying to level with you here, and find what reason you have for taking such complacency in the face of naked aggression on the principles of our democracy.

You are the one who is trying to get me to take action and to change my ways. If you don’t want to justify your assertions, then that is fine, and they will be considered with all the due weight that you have refused to give them.

Simple question for you. Did you consider the clearing out of Lafayette Square to be legal?