What has been the general reaction to Biles stepping down?

Aye! I’ve had the same thought: there are a bunch of world-class elite gymnasts on the US team! Shut up and meet some new friends, eh.

Saw this on Facebook.


Thirded. People complaining that “she let down the team” and at the same time ignoring “the team” standing right there, and they could not pick them out of a police line-up.

Why? How long do you think a female gymnast can keep up that level of performance? At 24, she’s already last far longer than most. Nadia Comaneci was 14 when she got her perfect scores. I’d say Simone’s earned her spot on that Mt Rushmore.

To add to that: Simon Biles was literally being penalized because no other woman was even able to attempt what she was doing, just months ago. She’s not just been the best at the game, she’s changed the playing field completely.

But sure, she let her team (like the people complaining actually care about those young ladies) down. They finished second with Biles, and they finished second without her, and still brought home a ton of hardware. Give me a break.

Why does this matter?

Biles entered the competition and, presumably, beat out other young women for the spot.

Then Biles backed out. She let her team and country down doing so.

If she felt it was necessary then fine. But she should not be praised for it.

Her decision should be a grave disappointment to…Biles. And of no significant concern to anyone else.

At least, that’s what the Olympics should be about. A chance for great individual achievement, instead of a nation turns its greedy eyes to you.

According to this article in Sports Illustrated, the problem didn’t start until after it was too late for an alternate. The timing couldn’t have been worse. If it had happened between nationals and the Olympics, I’m sure she would have pulled out then because she has integrity.

And while I generally like you as a poster, I wish you could get past this attitude that Biles did something wrong. She is working, right now, to try to overcome the problem in the hope she can compete in something. Every gymnast in the world says she made the right choice for herself and for the team.

Where did I say she did something wrong?

She let her team and country down. But if she had to withdraw then fine.

I maintain she should not be lauded for it.

That is ridiculous.

ETA: did Joe Thiesmann let his team down?

Why? …

@Whack-a-Mole sounds like he wouldn’t be happy unless she seriously injured herself attempting a vault.

I have explicitly said otherwise.

Read the thread.

To me, it sounds like you’re accusing her of doing something wrong by taking a spot someone else could have filled and then quitting because she didn’t “feel” like competing. If that’s not what you’re saying, then I’m sorry for the misinterpretation.

She was fine when she earned that spot. By the time she wasn’t fine, it was too late for someone else to be brought in. She still tried, despite her atypical problems during qualifiers. It wasn’t until she literally didn’t know where she was during her vault that she realized it wasn’t something she could power through. If you’ve seen pictures of her during that vault, you can see the terror in her eyes. It’s a freaking miracle she didn’t land on her head and snap her neck and every gymnast knows it.

She didn’t quit. She didn’t “back out”. She did what she had to do to protect her life and health and her team’s chances for a team medal, and the fact that she recognized the necessity to do so is what people are praising.

America really needs to get over this “win at all costs” mentality, even if the cost is someone’s well being. It’s not healthy.

I admit I’m curious how “let her team down and country down” is not “something wrong”. How is “she let her team down” a positive attribute?

My point is she does not deserve kudos.

I also said she does not deserve to be ridiculed.

If she cannot perform then fine. She absolutely should not do so.

But she doesn’t get a pat on the back for it.

Again: how is “she let her team down and her country down” a positive attribute? For that matter, how is it a neutral statement?

If you are a member of a “team” and then you withdraw how are you NOT letting that team down?

“Simone Biles withdrew from competition” is a neutral statement comprised of facts.

“Simone Biles let her teammates down” is a subjective judgement.

I’ll bite… Who is on it?