What hats are popular in your country?

Not where I live. Every last adult man and teenage boy has a ball cap on their head at all times. Except transplants and furriners, like me.

Which echoes what some others are saying as well. Particular hats can be much more prevalent in certain regions and subcultures.

Canada: knitted tuques / touques / toques and, of course, hockey helmets.

Although the Akubra is classical and archetypal, I personally wear a slightly flatter, less full hat, more “man from snowy river”, and I think more are sold like that. Perhaps they are cheaper? Good felt hats like a brand-name Akubra cost more and take more care: my hats are leather or suede: they don’t handle water as well, but handle crushing better.

Only the people listed above, and old people like me, wear that kind of hat. Ordinary city people wear beanies, cloth hats, bucket hats, straw hats, wide-brimmed cloth hats for school or traffic duty, baseball hats to look like their youtube hero, trilbies to look flash, hardhats for construction, bike helmets, & whatever. If its wet and you want to blend in, probably an umbrella or a hoodie would be your best bet.

I work in central Edinburgh and I just stood up and looked out the window for maybe a minute. It’s a bright, sunny day and about a dozen people passed by, 3 with various baseball caps on, and 2 wearing bonnets. More than I expected, to be honest. There’s a fair chance most of them were tourists though!

If I’m going to be out in the direct sun for more than a few minutes I’ll wear a plain cotton baseball cap, too. And if it’s raining a bit, I’ll wear a wool beanie.

Yeah, I own dozens of baseball caps. I wear one nearly daily, either for sun protection or as an excuse to not comb my hair. I also own a few flat caps, that I wear during cold weather when I want to “dress up”.

I also own a cowboy hat which I wear, ironically, sometimes when I horseback ride.

Now just a goddamn minute, pal. Bonnets??!?

To my American ear/eye, that conveys either a Jane Austen/prairie girl type sunbonnet, or a so-called “baby bonnet” of somewhat similar construction. What on earth are adults wearing as modern headgear that is unironically called a “bonnet”?

Question for British dopers: if someone in the UK does wear a baseball cap, what’s on it? In the U.S., baseball hats can be nearly anything but the clear majority are regional sports teams.

I think Americans call them “hoods”.

You could google for scottish bonnet to see more examples and styles, but here’s one on this ebay page.

Here in Korea, young college-age hipsters wear Trilby hats. Older men wear baseball caps (usually brown), while rustics wear straw Cowboy hats or weathered Aussie campaign hats.

Older women, the ajummas, wear huge one-way mirrored visors. They’ve kind of given up on things like glamor and men.

I’d say that’s regional. The majority here aren’t sports teams, but collectively a combination of tractor companies, car companies, supplier companies, TV stations, and other things that aren’t sports teams.

Wait, bonnets like Balmorals or Glengarrys? Were the people you saw in traditional Highland dress? I only ever saw two men wearing bonnets when I visited Scotland, and both were wearing kilts, hose, Bonnie Prince Charlie jackets - the full kit and kaboodle. One was a doorman at a fancy hotel in Edinburgh, who was clearly there to impress the tourists. (The other was walking up a street in Pitlochry, and I have no idea why he was wearing a kilt.)

Other than those two, I never saw any Scot wearing traditional dress, even in the Highlands. I don’t recall seeing any Scot even wearing tartan, come to that.

Behold the Balmoral and Glengarry bonnets.

Also signs of an American tourist: golf shirt, cargo short or dockers (depending on weather) and runners. Bonus points for cell phone in a belt holster (not quite so often anymore) and a goatee.