What Historical Event Would You Most Like To Have Video Footage Of?

I remember reading that there are no photographs of Lincoln delivering his speech as the camera man had taken a picture just before Lincoln got up to deliver the famous speech.

Because cameras were so hard to set in those days, by the time the camera men were ready to take the picture, Lincoln had finished his speech.

With that luck I bet that videographers of the day would had run out of tape thanks to rep. Edward Everett taking two hours (!) to finish his speech before Lincoln.

Yes, me too.

Well, if he exists as a real person, some footage of King Arthur and his posse would be interesting.

Seeing Normandy might be to much or Maket Garden. I would like to see the first human that created fire along with construction and use of the 7 great wonders. The Titantic sinking. Inside the space capsules for major space missions

I was holding out for the Chronoscope HD version. :wink:

The Boston Tea Party
followed by…

The Boston Massacre.

SSG Schwartz

The attack on Syracuse in which the marvelous machines of Archimedes saved the day.

The Hebrews conquering Jericho?

The Norse voyages to North America.

I’d like to see video of pre-modern humans (homo erectus, australopithecines) making stone tools and fire.

Have you ever seen what someone believes he is filming a stationary object in the sky while not using a tripod to steady his hand? Usually it’s a UFO, but there have been some BVMs. It would be much like that, with the sun jumping around. We humans believe we can stand ever so very still. We can’t.

Yes, that’s very possible and I’d drop my own suggestions for that one. There’s Cardenio, potentially Love’s Labor’s Won, or even Macbeth, which was heavily edited after Shakespeare. What survives is great and I think its brevity is a virtue, but who knows what’s missing?

I’ll go more recent. How about a recording of George Bush or Dick Cheney during their dui arrests?

Lots of good stuff already. A video of Pompeii the day of the eruption would probably be interesting, if a bit difficult to watch…

I would choose to have a camera placed in an ancient city for a day or two and just let it run. Say a camera in the Roman Forum circa A.D 100 and just left to run and capture the goings on for a day or two.

There was a film found a few months ago that was a minute or so of London around 1900. Just normal people going about life. I found it fascinating.

I would like to see some Luther clips:

… Nailing the theses to the church door at Wittenberg
… The Diet of Worms, particularly the last day
… When he went bonkers and started throwing shit at the devil

Also, wouldn’t mind seeing Gutenberg finish binding his first Bible.


Many of the above but I wont repeat them so …

The Battle of Towton Moor,not very well known but was one shitkicker of a fight during an English Medievil civil war(The Wars of the Roses),both sides stated beforhand that they would neither give nor ask for quarter so it was literally a fight to the death.
In an age of swords,lances and longbows they killed 25,000 and upwards in twelve hours which apparently was one percent of Englands population at the time…

The Dinosaur extinction meteor/comet.

The Battle of Agincourt.

The volcanic eruption of Thera.

The Charge of the Light Brigade.

The Battle of Marathon.
A Roman Senate meeting during the time of the triumverate.
The Destroyer Glowworm ramming the Von Hipper,during WW2 the Glowworm accidently encountered the Battlecruiser Von hipper with its destroyer escorts in the North Sea,it was,outranged out gunned,and outnumbered so it immediatly steamed towards the enemy ships at full speed to attack them.
It launched torpedos while receiving crippling hits from the Hipper and all guns blazing rammed the Battlecruiser tearing away a hundred feet of Hippers armour plating,it drifted away while being raked with fire and ablaze but its sole surviving gun carried on firing until the little destroyer was deliberately scuttled.

There was a very heavy number of killed within her crew including her captain who died in the sea.

Solomon meeting Sheba.

Oooh, linky? If one exists…

The European discovery of porcelain.

When Dick Nixon summoned Dick Cheney from the underworld.

Market Street, San Francisco, 1905. Before the 1906 Earthquake. Note that the automobile traffic is staged, the same cars show up again and again.