What if a living person posesses no id?

That article mentions that Benjamin can’t get a job because he can’t get a social security number. The government won’t issue a temporary number.

Sometimes it is difficult to get reintergrated back into society without ID, even if you know who you are.

I worked with a kid who was removed from his parents who reportedly were vagabond/backwoods types who travelled throughout the southern US squatting on other people’s land, eating what they could catch, and doing odd jobs for food and cash. This kid came into state’s custody with little paperwork. When he turned 18, he wanted to join the Navy but he had a heck of a time proving that he was himself. He knew who he was and he knew at least 300 people who knew who he was, but he just can’t prove it with a birth certificate backed picture id. Last time I talked to him he has been working on building an “acceptable” identity for months.

There was also the Airport Man (although he didn’t have any amnesia and his identity was well known, he just didn’t have any ID and was stuck “in transit” for years. Lived in Paris CDG airport, then went a bit funny in the head and refused to be given new papers… But one surmises he got funny in the head through this situation, and that he wasn’t wonky to begin with)

Well, everyone knew who he was, it was just that nobody wanted to take him.