What (if anything) is good about rural America?

We live in a relatively small town.


When we have visitors from diverse metropolitan areas, one observation seems to break into two camps:

  1. They love the homogeneity – the very narrow demographic. They’re tired of “Pressing ‘1’ for English”

  2. They’re a bit disquieted by the stark lack of diversity. One termed it a “white utopia.”

And it isn’t always benign. The lack of diversity has a very insidious side that comes off as judgment, bigotry, fear, and intolerance.

Or worse.

There are websites and videos produced by some of the few minority members of our population that detail their experience of living here as a minority.

The majority swears it’s a “live and let live” town. I’m sure some of them truly believe that. But I think they’re mistaken.

Easy access to open spaces is nice. Rarely being stuck in traffic (you can definitely get stuck because of the train). Every day logistics of movement are simpler than in a major metro area.

When you live in the City, I think it’s much less attractive to “go for a drive.” We can still do that.