What in the Heck Did I Just Watch or 134 Minutes I'll Never Get Back

Yeah this was one that after I watched I wondered why they set in Japan, and what the deal with all these random very specific Japanese ceremonies that Scarlett Johansen randomly runs into. It felt like just a video for tourists promoting Japan. Another well regarded movie that I also did not understand the appeal of was The English Patient. I never understood why we were supposed to care about the main characters, and at the end I was puzzled why it was supposed to be romantic.

In general though, I guess I find some value in anything I watch so I can’t point to anything and say I hate it thought that might be because I tend to give up after the first, at most, 30 minutes if it really does not appeal to me.


I liked the movie, too, was intrigued by everything spoken and unspoken, Toni Collette is always a plus, and I’m thinking that there was a quantum physics/multiverse dynamic going on ?
. I do need you to explain the stage musical and the snow–covered truck ending to me, though.

I love horror and musicals and animated films…and I can’t force myself through that movie. I remain an uncultured troglodyte (surprising no one).

I just watched this movie on Saturday with two friends of mine, after reading and loving the book.

The movie was so bad that about twenty minutes in, I turned to my friends and asked them if they wanted to watch something else instead. But they were intrigued enough that they wanted to figure out what was going on. Then, when the movie ended, they talked about how horrible they thought the movie was.

The long car scenes are what made it so unbearable for me. In book form, long extended scenes of pure dialogue are totally fine. But watching two people carry on a conversation in monotonous voices without any sort of action or even changes in facial expression is incredibly boring.

Silverado is the movie where the screenwriter(s) said, “Let’s throw every single Western trope up on the screen!” And it works.

I just tried to watch Uncut Gems. Made it about fourteen minutes in before turning it off. Between the Vangelis-inspired soundtrack (but not Blade Runner or Chariots of Fire Vangelis; oh no, this is early 1960’s Vangelis, when he’s just starting to figure out the whole “Music” thing) blaring over the dialogue, and then the chaotic scene in the jewelry store where everyone is talking over everyone else, I couldn’t even begin to tell you what this movie is about.

The Director and Sound Editor should be fired.

Out of a cannon.

Into the sun.

Imma get ahold of Netflix and demand fourteen minutes of my life back. 98% recommend? Dafuq u talking about, Willis?

That sounds like the kind of scene that makes me want to slap the director while shouting "FILM [slap] IS [slap] A [slap] VISUAL [slap] MEDIUM! [slap] "

The Batman sucks the dung-encrusted dick of a diseased donkey. Started out so fucking quiet that we had to turn the audio way up to have a hope of making out the dialogue. Then the first engine revving sound effect was like a jet engine at full throttle was parked in my living room. Turned it down only to not hear the dialogue. Had to say fuck it and turn the subtitles on to have a prayer of following it. Then 90% of the movie was so dark that they must have turned off the studio lighting and substituted a single birthday candle for it. What a movie- can’t fucking hear it, can’t fucking see it. What you could see were bad guys with guns who must have been the guys who failed marksmanship for Star Wars storm troopers. Of course they come one at a time to engage in combat with Batman who has this move of head-butting his opponent so only the opponent gets knocked out. Laws of physics don’t apparently exist in Gotham, starting with the fucking bat signal and continuing on with Battie taking gunshots in stride. Not to leave out bad medicine- Bats is down from receiving a gunshot which even with armor would take him out of the fight but not to worry, he packs a shot of glowing green goo which gives him an extra life just like in the video games. Three fucking hours. Give me the Adam West version, at least you could see the action, hokey as it was.

At least West’s Gotham looked like someplace you might want to live (despite the incompetence of the police force and prison warden). After the last five or six Batman movies, I can’t for the life of me figure out why every person in Gotham hasn’t packed up and moved to Metropolis.

I dislike The Batman for a different reason. Saw it in the theatre so the sound and lighting wasn’t an issue. Good looking film with competent direction and acting. But the story was just utter shite. Like they just found some storyline from a 40-minute network cop drama from 20 years ago and used that. Cliche and uninteresting. And they dragged it out for almost 3 hours. Ugh.

Perhaps they all suffer from light-aversion diseases.

Not any more, it doesn’t.

I wish that was the movie I spent 3 hours watching.