What IS "I love the fishes cause they are so delicious" ?

Well, it was the slogan/jingle of Goldfish crackers by Pepperidge Farm.

I didn’t watch this, but it can’t be as bad as “Bug Eater 2: Cockroach Eating Girl,” which I also haven’t seen but have read about on somethingawful…and that was enough for me. Google it for yourselves (totally NSFW).

I haven’t heard of that video but I can promise you it’s not as bad as a girl eating cockroaches (the thought of which makes me feel sick- and I’m sure she does it in the sickest way possible). There’s certainly no reason for you to watch the fishes video, but I think the reactions people are having are sort of silly considering what the video is.

See, thing is, she wasn’t just eating them…

Yeah, I promise you the fish video is a Disney film compared to the cockroach video you’re talking about.

One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish? :frowning:

More like ten green fish.

I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.

Whats crazy about this video is not what goes in, or what comes out, but HOW MANY come out. I was pleasantly relived that the “delicious” part of the title isn’t really relevant.


I’m going to eat you little fishy!

I’m going to eat you little fishy!

Because I like little fish!

I ket hearing that “Hey!” in Navi’s voice.

My favorite reaction video’s are of Kermit the frogwatching “two girls one cup”, who is appropriately grossed out. Kermit then shows the video to Rowlf the dog, who wonder’s what the big deal is.

I refuse to look. I love singing that song. It just makes me smile. I will not ruin it for myself. I will not.

So uh, in spoilers, what happens in the Cockroach video?

And anyone seen the Glass Jar Video, while we’re on the topic of disgusting videos?

Here’s a taste from the somethingawful review:

Just when I thought sure the movie had reached its last climax and was winding down it had to throw me one last horrible curve ball. Bug Eater kneels on the mattress and begins peeing. Her urine soaks the mattress and the wounded roaches struggle to heave themselves free of the spreading yellow lake. Bug Eater lays down in her own filth, atop a mound of dead insects, and begins slurping up living cockroaches stewing in her piss.

And that’s not the worst part.

It’s like looking down at a giant pyramid from above!