What is it about October 31 that makes people act like buttholes? (Mild)

Watch out Hippy Hollow. There may be some kids on your lawn.

The site appears to sell ads to people without vetting them properly–I get an anti-malware alert from the ad provider, not the site domain itself.

This is why I always hide my bodies right around Halloween.

Hide, hell. If I ever decided it was necessary to kill somebody and drive around with their bleeding body tied to the roof of my car, Halloween is the night I would do it.

Think of all the compliments you’d get.

“Oh, wow, it looks so real! That’s awesome! Where can I get one of those?”

The urge to post “Boo” in 72 point type was almost overwhelming.

Remember, posting a link to that “stare at this until it screams at you” kind of image is a nearly-bannable offense. It’s not just Halloween.

Wow. That bullet holes website is the worst thing I’ve ever seen! Holy mackerel!


Really? I checked it out just because of what you said. If this isn’t a whoosh, you have not been paying attention. The WORST thing you’ve ever seen?

What an excellent summation.

What drives me nuts is that there are religious drama queens who think that Halloween is a night for Satan worshipping and make a huge production out of not letting their kids trick-or-treat. Jeez - like anyone gives a crap. I wish to God they’d stop putting those stupid stories on the news.

Only second to that are the teenagers who go around in regular clothes, then pound on your door when we don’t answer (the light is off - that means go away) demanding candy and yelling, “I know you’re in there!” Jackasses. I’d take the butthole pranksters mentioned in the OP any day.

Hand over the candy, old dude, or we egg your house back to the Stone Age!

That’s what I meant to say; not so much “hide” as “move to the burial place.” Have the fake hand hanging out of your trunk for eleven months, so if a real one slips out, no big deal.

Well, clearly, the Holocaust was worse.

But yes, the jingoism, the eBay mentality - yes, it’s horrible!


:confused: And this is an argument AGAINST Halloween? Sounds more like a reason to extend the holiday year round.

I didn’t know there were Halloween Grinches! I agree with Acid Lamp, if I have to look at 3 months of light up reindeer and singing santas I want something cool to balance it out.

And the trunk foot is the fakiest fake that ever faked. The ones I’ve seen don’t look remotely real.

I live with a former JW who still believes this. She’s getting better.

Ah, gotcha!

Hippy Hollow Why should we be penalized just because you can’t spot a fake foot?

That is awesome. Lends more “credibility” to driving around with appendages. I’m with all the Halloweenies here: it’s a fun time to goof off.

And if any jackass teenagers come pounding on my door demanding candy I’ll release the hounds.

You clearly are not.

As I type, there’s a gaggle of little girls across the street who are alternating screaming as loud as they possibly can (and I don’t mean normal play screams - they’re seeing if they can shriek up a lung), and then lying in the street pretending to be dead every time a car passes by. I see some discarded Halloween costumes on the lawn, so presumably they’re practicing up on their buttholery for tomorrow night.