What is required to be a hipster?

In several threads, people have referred to themselves as hipsters, or ex-hipsters, and I wondered what requirements there are to apply that label to yourself? In your opinion, what life experiences must you have had to define yourself that way? At almost age 50, I have seen and done a lot, but I can’t imagine defining myself that way. Baby boomer, yes. But hipster seems to require a bit more. So is it the sex, the drugs, the rock 'n roll, politics, age, your job, partying?

What qualifies someone as a hipster, and what would also disqualify them? when you think of a hipster, what image do you conjure up?

Whatever room you are in, you are too cool for.

One requirement nowadays seems to be that you have to be drinking the shittiest beer a bar has available.

Last night, I went into a new bar in Baltimore, and all the hipsters were drinking Pabst, Shlitz, and National Bohemian. Weird.

If someone asks you what music you like, your answer should have nothing to do with the music you actually like, and everything to do with the music you think will impress them. Hopefully because they’ve never heard of it. And, if they have heard of it, it’s not good anymore. Because it’s become too commercial, man.

Sort of-
A scenester makes it clear they are too cool for the room. A hipster makes the room cool because they are there.
Hipster fashions requires for men:

A sweater.
Black rimmed glasses
An army surplus green cap/a fedora.
Faux-vintage tshirts

So, by having a uniform as denoted above, hipsters actually make the room cooler?

Seems to me that hipsters are just scenesters who are delusional.

If you consider yourself to be a hipster, you are immediately and irretrievably disqualified from ever actually being a hipster.

Better a hipster than a hipster doofus.

A hipster has to have coffee mugs with someone else’s name on them.

Your fabric has to extend several inches below the waistband on the sides for adequate coverage. Bikinis are too small and thongs are “right out.”

Obviously, if one wishes to pass for hip, one has to (appear to) be riding the cutting edge of social and cultural awareness.

So, if one finds oneself at a social gathering and someone mentions a hot current Band, dance, book, TV Show, Movie, or what ever, look slightly past them (as if sizing up a more interesting conversational partner) and say “Ohhh… is THAT still happening?”…

One should remember that using “One” as an indefinite pronoun is NOt considered hip…


No, no. A hipster thinks he makes the room cool by being there. In fact, he doesn’t.

Conversely, the more you worry about being a hipster (by having a certain style/music choice/accessory), the bigger hipster you are. In fact, vocally denying hipsterness in a room full of other hipsters is a sort of way to establish the hipster hierarchy. That, and trying to name bands that no one else has heard of.