What is the differenct between a vegetable and a fruit?

I’m not so sure they’re that smart. I thought fruit were mean to propagate seeds.

Vegetables can’t hear, see or speak.

Fruits are gay.

Frankly I think it is insensitive to compare the two.

OTOH, the Portugese make jam out of carrots, so the EC have decided to define them as fruit. Strange World.

Stupid hungry gerbils working with the filter at work ate my post yesterday. And it was soo great!

Fruits have seeds. But wait, is a naval orange a fruit? Maybe it’s best to define a fruit by what it is not: a leaf, shoot, stem, or root. That defines a vegetable. Basically, if you can eat all of whatever it is without killing the plant (eat all the leaves of a lettuce plant and you’ll kill it.) then it’s a fruit. Fruit plants WANT you to eat their fruit. That’s what fruit is for. It helps them to spread their seeds. If they could speak they would say so. But if vegetables could speak they would say,
"Hey! What do you think you’re doing there? Stop THAT! HEY!! YOU! Ouch!! I’m serious now! That HURTS! Stop that! Ouch!! AAAARGGGHHHH!!!

Tomatos were actually classified as a vegetable by the supreme court so that the US government could tax them.

My question is how did the cucumber become a vegetable?

A fruit is the part of a plant that carries or would carry the seads. A vegetable is a part of a plant that you eat.

So lettuce leaves, broccoli flowers, carrot roots, and rhubarb stems are vegetables, but not fruits. Maple helicopters, sycamore balls, rosehips, and crabapples are fruits, but not vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, and oranges are both fruits and vegetables.

A fruit is the part of a plant that carries or would carry the seads. A vegetable is a part of a plant that you eat.

So lettuce leaves, broccoli flowers, carrot roots, and rhubarb stems are vegetables, but not fruits. Maple helicopters, sycamore balls, rosehips, and crabapples are fruits, but not vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, and oranges are both fruits and vegetables.

A fruit is the part of a plant that carries or would carry the seads. A vegetable is a part of a plant that you eat.

So lettuce leaves, broccoli flowers, carrot roots, and rhubarb stems are vegetables, but not fruits. Maple helicopters, sycamore balls, rosehips, and crabapples are fruits, but not vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, and oranges are both fruits and vegetables.