What is the oddest song/piece of music you've ever heard?

I got nuthin’:wink:

Fe-Mail feat. Lasse Marhaug

Danish DJ Hvad with Cocain Salsa.

Pretty much any music sung by Donovan.
Years ago I heard a cover of Peter and the Wolf played with different instruments. Wish I knew who did it.

Aw, shucks! I’m gonna go ahead and take that as a compliment! Thanks, shunpiker!

I had to make a video to share this with folks here (and with the world in general). Way back in the 1980s when I was in college, we booked a show with this guy who turned out to be a piano player who was traveling the country in his beat up station wagon, playing shows and peddling his wares. People from the San Francisco area may have seen him; he is one of the weirdest, most insanely talented and talently insane people I have ever met. Nearly 30 years after doing audio for his show, it remains one of the most memorable shows I have ever seen and/or been a part of, and I’ve done thousands of shows in my lifetime. This guy knows more than 2000 songs by heart; he can play nearly anything you can name with no delay, from classical to punk rock to commercial jingles to doo-wop songs to arena rock. His own songs are, um, inimitable, tho; I can pretty much guarantee that you’ve never heard anything like D.J. Lebowitz - Airplane.

John Bartles is an amazingly original musician. This might be my favorite of his songs - listen til the end (3:55).

Thanks; I really like this. I didn’t find the ending a huge deal; more like the logical conclusion for the song.

I’ll contribute an oldie but a goodie, and from a namesake to boot: John Trubee - Blind Man’s Penis

ETA: Fun fact: In 1985, John Trubee became the first person to interview Jandek! Jandek would not have another interview for like 14 years when a reporter for the Texas Monthly, Katy Vine tracked him down using property and tax records. Jandek & Me.

I’ve been friends with John for a long time on FB. He’s quite a character. :slight_smile:

That totally fucking rocks! Tell him I said “hi”!

Chicken Train

Toy Cows in Africa.

I think this song may be what a lobotomy feels like.

Then there’s Evidently Chickentown, familiar to Sopranos fans as the soundtrack to one of the best episode endings of the series.

Nice nomination! Got to be some hidden reason.

Phurpa: wal-phur nag- po. Make of it what you will.

That totally fucking rocks! Already ordered a copy from Russia! Thanks very much for the introduction!

Eddie, weren’t you the one who posted the songs by the sisters that were made to play music by their father, without having had lessons? If so, who were they again?

I don’t know that they performed the ODDEST piece of music I’ve ever heard, but I feel like they are in the discussion.

The Shaggs

Anders Flanders is definitely more funny than artsy, but pretty weird just the same. :slight_smile:

Thank you. . .I think. My gratefulness in having my question answered is somewhat tempered by the subject matter :slight_smile:

Since I intend to torture friends with this, and since I DID ask for it. . .then yes. Yes, I believe thanks ARE in order. However, I feel I must withhold the ritualistic throwing of “stuff” into the quarry. Sorry. :smiley:

Me too!