What is the silliest scene you've ever seen in a movie?

I offer the closing scenes of Lisztomania where Franz Liszt and his girl backup singers attack Richard Wagner’s Nazi Frankenstein in a pipe organ/fighter jet.

I’ve honestly never seen anything top it for sheer lunacy.

I came here to vote for the fart scene from that movie. The final scene is over the top silly, yes.

The poker game from the W.C. Fields movie Mississippi (1935).

This scene from the opening of The Lost World: Jurassic Park where it cuts to the implied mauling of a young girl by dinosaurs to a shot of Jeff Goldblum yawning in front of a beach setting. The way it cuts is suppose to make you at first think the horrifying scene the mother is screaming at is seeing Goldblum yawning, it’s such a bizarre edit in a relatively serious film especially so early on, when I saw the movie on opening night in a packed theater everybody immediately laughed.

Definitely breaking through the third wall.

Intentionally silly: The teenage sex scene in Scary Movie (“That’s very '70s!” followed by “the gusher.”)

Unintentionally silly: The mandatory sex scene between Sidney Poitier and Persis Khambatta in The Willoughby Conspiracy.

The latter was meant to be really hot, but I laughed at it just as hard as I did for the former.

In The Blues Brothers, the scene of the bluesmobile malfunction and Jake trying to wipe the windshield clean from the outside and peering in at the camera. YMMV.

Well, OP sez “silliest.” How about this scene of Kirk Douglas singing in Spanish? It’s from “The Last Sunset” (safe for work, but your coworkers may never look at you the same again). Hilariously strange.

Most of Ken Russell’s Tommy, but the most absurd image was Sally Simpson’s “rock musician.”

In the W. C. Fields vehicle Million Dollar Legs Fields sends his diplomat on an errand, and, to hide his identity, gives him a goat’s head mask to wear. The diplomat takes off at ludicrous speed and outruns a train. It’s practically absurdist humor.

From The Cable Guy. Gets me every time. The whole scene is great.

Batman (1966) running around the dock trying to find someplace to dispose of a bomb. It’s genuinely hilarious.

One part of the chase scene in What’s Up Doc (which is likely the silliest chase scene ever): A VW Microbus is repeatedly smashed by cars fishtailing while making U-turns. The VW is eventually reduced to half its width. The owner comes out, opens the passenger side door, and the VW falls over.

“It looks like I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.”

I think Airplane may hold the record for most silly gags in one film. They just kept throwing and throwing the jokes out there. Makes me wonder what they left on the cutting room floor.

Another favorite of mine from that movie was Robert Stack driving to the airport in obviously rear-projected background and “hitting” the cyclist.

Personally I find scene where the guy explains “Plan 9” to be one of the silliest scenes in any movie ever.

I love it. “Well, that’s not much to see really. We’re inside a Chinese dragon.”

For me it’s the scene with the camera outside approaching everyone sitting at the table eating. The camera moves in, hits the window, breaking it as everyone turns and stares for several seconds.

[quote=“DCnDC, post:51, topic:846698”]

Batman (1966) running around the dock trying to find someplace to dispose of a bomb. It’s genuinely hilarious.


Sometimes you just can’t get rid of a bomb!

[quote=“DCnDC, post:51, topic:846698”]

Batman (1966) running around the dock trying to find someplace to dispose of a bomb. It’s genuinely hilarious.


:smiley: What I liked the most were the two fat ladies calmly finishing their meal.

Don’t have time to read the rest of the thread, but…

More of a shot that a scene, but in LOB: Palin’s ex-leper dancing around the pile of donkey shit he’d nearly stepped in. Absolutely kills me every time I see it.

Another scene from that film is when Goldblum’s daughter was doing flips and spins on the bars.

That was such a terrible film. I paid $1.50 to see it in a cheap theatre on a Tuesday and still feel that I overpaid.