What is the source for the recently popular Mark Twain quote.

And Winston Churchill.

Here’s the updated article reference, since the upstream post somehow managed to route it through Yahoo (?!)

I personally love this quote, and it looks like it’s Clarence Darrow for sure


Mark Twain allegedly said of Cecil Rhodes, one of the architects of apartheid - “I admire him, I frankly confess it; and when his time comes I shall buy a piece of the rope for a keepsake”

“I really didn’t say everything I said.” - Yogi Berra

I would lose my shit if it turns out that that, too, was misattributed.

This isn’t going to be much help, but one of my favorite books is Twain’s “Roughing It”; I’ve read it 3-4 times since the 70’s, and recently listened to it on Audiobook. I’m pretty sure that the quote in question, or something similar to it, appears in that book.
DISCLAIMER: I’m the first to admit that my memory has devolved into a short piece of string.

The text for Roughing It is online at Project Gutenberg. I did a search for the word “obituary” and didn’t find it (a search for"obit" turned up two instances of “probity”, but no “obituary”).

QuoteInvestigator is a great site. I’d take its conclusions as a given.

Cool. I’ll go there myself and try “funeral.”

Thanks for the tip! Found the line I was remembering and it’s only similar in spirit.

“I gave no sign; but I made up my mind that if the auctioneer’s brother’s funeral took place while I was in the Territory I would postpone all other recreations and attend it.”