What is your method for paying medical bills?

What is your method for paying medical bills?

I go down to the river, catch me a mess o’ catfish, and leave a cooler full at the front desk, ‘long with a mess o’ greens and whatever other messes I can scrape up.

Seriously, if Medicare rates take a huge hit, this “in kind” type of payment is going to see a revival.

Yes this is very true, we pay for it via taxes. Which each and every Canadian is probably totally okay with (I don’t want to speak for the whole country!) if it means we’re not afaraid to go to a doctors office or ER because we can’t afford the bill we’ll be left with.

My “free” health care may cost me a few hundred dollars a year, but I know I am way better off than if I had to pay for all of my medical procedures and sicknesses.

I will never go bankrupt or have to sell any of my worldly possesions to pay for my tonsolectomy, or the two week stay my wife and daughter had in the hospital when my daughter was born. I’ll bet that would have easily been $30,000 in medical bills!