What is your perception of the furry fandom?

So, DreadCthulhu, you’re one of those vores too, aren’t you?


Why all the horror and disgust? As fetishes go, that sounds to be one of the cutest I’ve ever heard of!

So from what I’m reading on this thread, the depictions on CSI last night (October 30) were somewhat accurate?

If so, ewww. . .

If CSI last night was right, I gotta say “Ewwww!” too. No wonder my friend didn’t want to tell me about it. :eek:

I gotta tell you, this kind of reaction is not unlike the phobic reaction some hetero folks have for gay people. Sad that people feel they have the right to judge how other folks get off.

IMO, furries are a harmless group of people who enjoy an unconventional hobby. While the idea of people in Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck costumes going at it in a “furpile” presents a disturbing visual image (and is very much NOT my cup of tea), ultimately it is nobody’s business but their own. If people want to dress up like cartoon animals and pleasure each other, where’s the harm?

Gobear, what you said in your post (above) is just a longer-winded version of “ewwww”. We’re no more judgemental than you are in this respect. Please refrain from judging us; thanks.

About as accurate as anything else on television. :wink:

Nonsense. My post supported furries’ right to enjoy their hobby without being mocked, a sentiment that is not adequately conveyed by “Ewwww.”

…and again, to stress a point, not all furries are into the whole costume/sexual thing. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)

So, does post coitus involve coughing up furballs?

Whaddaya mean, post?

You find a fox raping a rabbit while eating it cute?? :dubious: :confused: Because some furries are into that type of stuff.

And ** Steelerphan ** since there is NO sexual componet to my devouring humans, I am not a “vore.” My sexual peferences tend towards Japanese Schoogirls.

Never heard of them b4. Certainly not a life-changing event now that I have. I’m weird in ways that appeal to me, and this isn’t one of them.

Let the fur fly. As long as it’s not coming off my back.

PS-What’s “slash”?

Never heard of them b4. Certainly not a life-changing event now that I have. Can’t say I am overly shocked, but then again, I grew up in the 70’s when platform shoes and polyester had their own fandom.

So let the fur fly. As long as it’s not coming off my back.

PS-What’s “slash”?

[Garth] Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny? [/Garth]

Pairing up two established characters- who are not gay in the show/movie/book - of the same gender. Spike and Giles for example, or the ever popular Krycek and Skinner, or Rachelle and Monica…

Thanks, elfkin. Pairing them how? Drawings?

Typically fanfiction, or sometimes fanart. I think the whole thing started with Spock/Kirk fanfiction written decades ago.

I see the link. I know that I am not going to like what I am going to see if I click on the link.I know that it is going to somehow linger in my psyche. I resist. And then, almost without and conscious control, I slowly scrooooool up and then… Pregnant furries and a man having his way with a puppet. Why do I do this to myself? What is this compulsion that I have to click the link? Why can’t I leave it alone? WHY?

I am not a furry fan, though I know a great many of them, some online and some in person.

Sex and bestiality and devouring and un-birthing and being gay (as referenced by a previous poster) has as much to do with the fandom, as far as I can tall, as molesting little boys has to do with being homosexual: nothing. They have as much to do with each other as groping tentacles have to do with sex in Japan. At least from what I can see.

It is, in its own way, more like transvestitism: a clothing fantasy. Or maybe BDSM: a role-playing fantasy. When people play Nuns ‘n’ Novices, it’s pretty much the same thing, I believe.

Yahoo used to have a lot of very odd links tied to a page on sexual fetishes, which I am not going to google for from work. There I found some of the most bizarre links I could ever ask for: fetishes on sneezing, wearing glasses, stomping on stuff, carrying people (two different varieties: over the shoulder and cradle), hypnotism, chloroform, sleeping, feet, shoes, latex, leather, silk, handcuffs, fingernails, legs, thongs, thighs, and all manner of bodily parts and functions. I dare not mention them lest ye die.

This one seems like a harmless mis-wiring of the brain to me, and though I can’t understand it enough to participate in it, I don’t let it disturb me. As far as I can tell, it hurts nobody. Also as far as I can tell, the overlap in what is agreed as “furry fandom” is pretty narrow. I don’t think anybody honestly jacks off to Bugs Bunny in a dress, and if they do, they’re probably not Joe Fur Average.

I just thought of another way to compare the extremes of furry to the core: they have no more to do with one another as email has to do with porn. (“You have email? My god, you must be a porn freak!!”) Frankly, sex (of whatever stripe) sells. These fetish websites I mentioned sell (sell! I’m amazed) video of people being carried. People pay for it as erotica! How bizarre to me. The sex-sellers have a lot to gain by prying money out of the hands of others, so they make a lot of noise.

That’s not to say that I don’t know a few in the furry fandom who are not well-adjusted adults who can deal with unfortunate reality on a daily basis. Some are … shudder


Damn, too level-headed for my own good again. Maybe next time I’ll say something rant-ish and pissed off, like… like… BURMA!