What is Your Skin Color?

Very fair, Northern Germanic golden blonde with pink cheeks. If I’m careful not to burn my first time out in the sun, I’ll tan a little. But one burn guarantees more to follow for the remainder of the season.

I checked “other,” because in the winter, I am very white, but with freckles. As soon as there is a hint of sun, I tan very dark, and sunscreen doesn’t make a difference. In the summer, strangers come up to me and start speaking Spanish. I’d pick probably “olive,” or “swarthy,” for the way I look from about April through October or November. I have a pretty big nose, and a Jewfro, but people frequently peg me as Hispanic; other people guess biracial, if it’s July. In December, people sometimes ask if I’m Irish (I am something like 1/16 Irish). I guess it’s the freckles.

Other Jews think I look Jewish, though. Albeit, some people ask if I’m Israeli.

I checked both “fair” and “pallid”. I’m pretty pale; I usually have to buy the fairest color in liquid makeup. My ancestors were Norwegian and Scottish/English. I’m at an age when the dermatologist wants to see me every six months to burn or cut something off me. Yep, I did too much sunbathing in the 70s trying to achieve the sun-bronzed California girl look. Bad teela.

Better suited to IMHO. Off you go.

I picked ruddy.

Late last year I decided that I had to get rid of any pale pink or salmon shirts I have because when I wear them I am the embodiment of “washed out.” I just blend in to the shirt.

And at any temperature above 75 degrees I am red as a beet.

Oh that’s another type I get mistaken for, RivkahChaya; Spanish in Spain, Italian in Italy, Egyptian in Kuwait (by Egyptians) and Egypt, Lord-knows-where in the UK, and occasionally Jewish in various places. I have a pretty big nose, and a Jewfro if my hair gets long. When people ask, it’s first “Where are you from?” (“London”), then an uncomfortable “Err… what are you?” or less so “Where are your ancestors from” (“Mum’s side are Polish, dad’s dad was adopted and he’s who I get my looks from”) and they continue to be puzzled.



Depends on if I’ve encountered any poison ivy or mosquitoes lately.

I am pale pink with freckles, and I also have the tiny red dots. I call them baby freckles, because I find that they seem to turn into actual freckles when I’m in the sun more (and then more baby freckles appear, repeating the cycle).

Half my makeup is Italian. The other half is pale German and Irish. Light in the winter but tan up easily. I put olive but it’s not quite that dark except in the summer when I can get pretty dark.

I read these choices and all I could think was “LOL, white people…”

I suppose given these choices, brown? I am brown, but so are a lot of people a lot darker and lighter than I.

Zora Neale Hurston gives these choices:

Somehow, I think the thread would have gotten closed if those had been scattered among the choices in the poll.

My skin is pretty white by default (I picked “fair”). I do tan pretty well if I’m outside enough, and I rarely get sun burns. I’m not really a big fan of the sun. I live in the Pacific NW, so that’s works out pretty well for me. :slight_smile:

I made it a multiple choice poll and just took the different tones from a website, I personally picked three options and ‘other’ is also there if you want it. Anyway, it’s cool being brown or blond or blue, no one here is judging. I did wake in a slightly sweaty panic I’d chosen badly, this morning, and I could’ve chosen better. Maybe you could make a better poll? it hasn’t been on the Dope before (or many other websites) that I;ve seen so I reckon I can get a bye for being a bit insensitive.

I’m pretty sure as a rule if we used the vernacular of the 1930s and 40s on this board, conversation would be shut down fairly quickly. Well actually…

Anyway, I just found the options funny. “What kind of white is your skin color? I’ve also included two options for the ethnics.” Good times.

Edit: Justin, I’m not hating on you. I honestly thought the choices were funny. And I’m pretty sure whatever website you got the options from was written by/for white people. Sort of like “nude” bras/shirts/nail polish/etc is this beige shade that doesn’t look like any nude flesh I ever see. But okay. It’s just one of these things that’s funny to me. Carry on.

Thanks. We’re entering uncharted territory here, are we not? Glad you’re finding it funny and I am too. I didn’t anticipate any of this - maybe a reason it hasn’t been done before.

Hey, at least I didn’t put an option of one of the two n-words, or placed ‘superior race’ anywhere either. We could make a hilarious poll, including ‘high probability of being targeted in an airport’ (me) or ‘blending in is easy in countries with lots of darkies’ (me also), or include an option of how much will you look like a terrorist: 1 to 5, 1 being white and blond, 5 being tanned and with dark hair (11 if you’re wearing ‘ethnic clothing’).

I voted for Other – Farmer-Tan.

I chose “olive,” because I am of Italian descent, and “other,” because I live in south Florida and am almost always tanned.

I don’t stand much chance of being targeted in an airport, but I once had my life threatened by a guy who collected what I will politely call “WWII memorabilia.”

OK, true. Except people in Indiana still say “high yellow,” I recently learned. I never heard those things in New York, not even from old people when I was a little kid in the 70s, but a couple of months ago, someone commented on how these two brothers who are biracial were really different-looking, in that one was “brown sugar,” and the other was “high yellow.” My jaw just about hit the floor. The person who said it was younger than I was.