What kind of plane is this?

No not this aircraft at all… you guys must think LONG fuselage. Very long and very thin.


Here is a photo of one of the MD-80 family of airliners (spun off from the aforementioned DC-9s). No canard, and no props on the engines at the tail end, but it is long with wings and engines near the back.

Theres a fleet of white unmarked MD-80’s owned by the Justice Department and used for prisoner transport and deportation:

everything else matches, is it possible you were just wrong about the canard and pusher props?

opps never mind, flyboy is talking about a different plane than the OP it sounds like, this thread should really be split.

Minor nitpick, the pictured plane isn’t unmarked, it’s just lacking in livery. You can see the reg number on the side of the engine.

I’m the original poster, and the plane that Flyboy101 saw seems identical to the one I saw. (I’m surprised to see this thread resurrected, actually.)

The fuselage was very long. The wings were almost rectangular and mounted (almost) at a 90 degree angle to the fuselage.

(Gotta go right now… more later)


Yeah, this one is no where near it. This one’s wings are tapered and slanted back from the fuselage. No canard, and no pusher props.


It probably won’t help, but what color was the mystery plane?

All white.

Yes, it sounds like three of us have seen the same plane (perhaps uav). To say it is rare does not seem to cover it. Rare is something that is KNOWN but not often seen. This thing is not even known. That is the most mysterious thing about it to me is that no pics exist of it and no one has any idea what it is.
It is as if the design itself does not exist. Had I not seen it with my own eyes i could not prove it exists. Very interesting to say the least.

flyboy how big was what you saw? The OP saw something the size of a small 737? Was yours that big? If so then its almost certainly not a UAV, theres just no need to make UAV’s that big.

I’m still not convinced you’re talking about the same plane.

I believe your talking about the Theseus UAV.Theseus

WOW! That took four years! I hope the flyboy comes over to check out the photo and put us all out of our misery.

It might be what flyboy saw but it doesn’t have anything in common with the OP’s description other than pusher props. In any event, flyboy hasn’t logged on since three days after his first post here (in 2012) so I doubt we’ll be hearing from him.