What kind of reality TV do you enjoy?

Agree, I’d call all of these documentaries rather than reality shows.

I like Antiques Roadshow and occasionally a Candid Camera-type comedy.

Of course I constantly watch the video feeds from all the cameras I’ve installed in peoples’ homes all over the country. Yes, I can see you!

My favorites (past and present): the first few seasons of The Real World (pretty ground-breaking, really,) Iron Chef (Japan,) Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Intervention, What Not to Wear (with Clinton and Stacy,) Cash Cab, American Pickers, Undercover Boss.

{Waves in case he has them in Canada too} Hi there! I’d moon you, but glare would probably break your camera.

I like this one a lot. It’s great that there’s a minimum of backstabbing and that they’re all really good at something. I also like that the elimination competitions are often set up to be so dang cool that often a guy who was safe that week will complain about not getting to do it. So the person going home isn’t usually too unhappy.

I love reality shows–I’m a big fan of Big Rich Texas,Ice Loves Coco(they are so sweet together, although Soulgee kinda gets on my everlovin nerves), Gene Simmons Family Jewels( are they coming back for another season?), My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding(I just heard they’re making an American spinoff! YAY!:D) and What Would You Do?.

Caught that for the first time last night, quite enjoyed it and Mother didn’t object, so will probably watch again

Oh I forgot to mention I have a soft spot for the Duggar family and their ever increasing brood.

My favorite are the job competition shows. I watched America’s Next Top Model and Project Runway for a long time - they appeal to my artistic side. I’ve never watched Biggest Loser but it sounds like the kind of thing I could get hooked on.

My all-time favorite is So You Think You Can Dance. One of the few reality shows that has managed to retain its dignity.

Which one does “Hoarders” fit under? I like that one.

I am a huge fan of many…from serious to ridiculous. I think what is sad about reality shows is that they seem to have impacted negatively the careers and potential careers of real actors and screenwriters. They are so cheap to make with no thought, really…seems like a drag for those who made tv the old fashioned way.

None of the above… I do like Dog the Bounty Hunter, People’s Court, Cops and reality shows like that though.

Be easier for me to just list 'em out.

Survivor - season 1 post-merge, season 2, most of season 3: I was a little late to the first party, but for the most part it was fun watching all the machinations and confrontations and contests. And of course the dismal reality of being away from civilization for a long time and how each contestant was affected. I actually see a nice juxtaposition between Richard Hatch’s and Tina Wesson’s wins: Hatch came in with a great gameplan and caught some real lucky breaks at the end; Wesson was lucky to be on the right side and not be a target, then, when she realized she had a a chance, pulled some smart moves. After that, it became bogged down in too many rules and twists and I kinda lost interest; now it’s too chancy to be taken seriously as a contest. (The guy who never got a single vote cast against him who got eliminated by a random draw was the last straw for a lot of viewers.)

The Amazing Race - first 2 seasons: I never thought it was a serious test of skill (just way too many variables), but who cares; it was a blast, pure and simple. I’ll admit it, I got a kick out of watching desperate Americans bungle through local customs and map reading and trying to remember the rules. It truly captured the feel of a tight, riveting contest, and yes, I was impressed that a contest spanning tens of thousands of miles came down to a train stop miscue (1) and a foot race (2). Both winners were truly deserving. The third season marked one of the few stark, glaring “jump the shark” moments for me, and then it became far too manufactured and forced for my tastes. They really should’ve switched to a rally format, where everyone starts at the same time and points are…I’ll stop now.

Dancing With The Stars - season 2 to around season 6-ish: Cheesy as hell, lousy jokes, dubious dance styles, but it was all in good fun and I enjoyed watching a variety of personalities learn an art form in flamboyant costumes. No definitive shark jump moment, just a bunch of troublesome developments: polarizing political figures, judges gradually being defanged (remember when they gave 3’s?), backtalk, bad blood, and the peanut gallery going from simply annoying to unbelievably grating. Better before it got so full of itself.

Hell’s Kitchen - roughly 3 season’s worth: Weirdly compelling. That’s all I got. Just fascinating, in a slowly-sinking-ship way, watching these supposed professionals turning into complete mush. It’s gotten a bit too formulaic in recent times, however, and I agree that the reward challenge scoring has become WAY too predictable. I’m thinking of ordering the early seasons on DVD.

American Idol - bits 'n pieces: I’ve never come remotely close to enjoying a full season (I would like to order the first season on DVD if it’s ever available, just to see what I missed). What really stands out are the individual moments of greatness, the highlight reel, if you will. Some of my personal favorites include:

  • David Cook having to do a Mariah freakin’ Carey song in the round of 7, well past the point where the cannon fodder had been sent packing, and handling it beautifully. Rest of the season was just a formality after that.
  • Taylor Hicks unapologetically making a mockery of the competition before unapologetically winning it all. Vote For The Worst’s greatest (and arguably only) triumph.
  • The Beatles weeks. Nice to get a reminder that for all the groundbreaking and legend and influence and greatness etc. etc., they had some really good music.
  • The crowd reaction when huge favorite Bo Bice was nearly eliminated in the round of 8. Such an iconic moment that I actually invented a term for this.
  • Whoever it was that did Jesus Christ Superstar. NEVER saw that coming. A rare moment of spice on a monumentally vanilla show.
  • The whole William Hung debacle. A cautionary tale if there ever was one…his critics, that is. (Here’s a hint: bad publicity > no publicity.)

In other words, it was better before it got too big and started taking itself too seriously. Not much surprise there.

Cops and AMW were shows me and my SO watched, but I don’t miss them a bit now that he’s gone. I got rid of the TV not long after that, but recently I’ve enjoyed those hoarder type shows or anything about strange behaviors and obsessions when I can find them online.

I don’t have an extended cable package, so I don’t watch much TV. Every once in a while I do get to veg out in front of the tube at my SO’s place. Lately I saw Ninja Warrior for the first time. I really liked it. It looks, or better said, IT IS super challenging. The people on this show are in great shape and it is entertaining to see them attempt these incredibly difficult obstacle courses which require great strength and stamina. Also, because I like cars, I enjoy watching Wheeler Dealers

Here is a youtube video for: Ninja Warrior. It is much more entertaining than the American equivalent show…I can’t think of the name of it right now.

The only ones I can recall watching an entire series of have been Aussie shows Masterchef (like Survivor with cooking and less back stabbing), and Battle of the Choirs (like Idol with people who like singing but aren’t looking to get rich from it). The contestants are largely pleasant, encouraging and enthusiastic.

I have caught various episodes of real job ones and have enjoyed them but have never been a regular viewer.

Most of the others, particularly the competitive ones, seem filled with casts of nasty, negative dickheads. Spending time watching them in action would be like spending my lunch breaks at work in the company of the people I least like or care about.

Um…I regress. Wheeler Dealer - one of the shows I mentioned above is not really a reality show. Oops.

I also like the bridal dress ones, although I usually watch in horror. I watch House Hunters and House Hunters International. I’m not a big fan of celebrities, but I will watch Celebrity Apprentice and DWTS.

I hate every single one you mention but I have been known to occasionally watch:

Dinner Impossible
That Gordon Ramsey show where he shapes up restaurants
Top Gear, with the challenges

Any of these considered reality shows?

I regularly watch Deadliest Catch and Hillbilly Handfishing, also watched Storage Wars for about a month. Now I’m absolutely hooked on renovation shows. Just set my DVR to record everything Mike Holmes.