[What people had their own symbols] [Original title:Things Obama copied from Hitler.]

I’ve been using one since high school (though not often these days).

With the exception of the SDMB, most message boards allow the use of avatars, which are personal symbols. On some sites there are a lot of dick pics.

Stop right there. The swastika was not Hitler’s personal symbol. It’s was the Nazi Party’s symbol. The whole argument is based on a falsehood. You don’t need anything else.

OK, you could point out that the “O” symbol actually belongs to Oprah.

Derek Riggs, artist famous for the Iron Maiden album covers.

Well, none of them have been elected President twice. If one of them is, you’ll know their election logo a hell of a lot better, won’t you? Your ignorance does not prove Mitt Romney didn’t have a logo.

Poker player Phil Hellmuth has a personal logo. So did golfer Arnold Palmer. It’s pretty common.

Just to be a killjoy, that’s kind of a recent invention. the entire “clan pattern” thing was totally made up by a couple of con men.

How about Alfred Hitchcock? https://www.google.com/search?q=alfred+hitchcock&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiB-L-X4LTLAhWlloMKHY-mDmgQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=alfred+hitchcock+logo

My grandfather had one (he was a commercial artist) and now I use it.

Yeah, that doesn’t sound right at all. Who were the con men, and what was the con? I believe clan tartans go back to the early 19th century at least. Is that what you mean by kind of recent?

I remember in 2008, a few pundits giving Obama a hard time for corrupting the American flag into his “O” symbol, which you could see behind him in one of his campaign speeches. That lasted until it was pointed out that the Obama was speaking in Ohio, and the flag in question was actually the Ohio state flag.

Some discussion here.Note especially the comment that Obama may be hoping to establish an African republic in the U.S. Eight years later and his campaign logo is compared to the swastika. He’s really had to put up with a lot of crap.

What the OP totally missed, as has already been pointed out, was that “O” is not Obama’s personal identity icon. It IS, however, Somebody Else’s

That is “kind of recent”, since the Scottish clanship system began to disintegrate in the late seventeenth century, and completely collapsed by the mid-eighteenth. The whole clan tartan business was retrofitted not to the clanship system, but to a romantic re-invention of clanship.

In any event, it wouldn’t meet the requirements of the OP, since he’s looking for personal symbols. The clan tartans are associated with clans, not individuals.

Me too. It’s a ligature of my initials, one of which you can probably guess. I don’t have any artistic works, though; I just used to doodle it on my school materials when I was seven (and later got it tattooed on my shoulder).

Pretty much this. Obama and Hitler’s icons are memorable because they’re really, really famous. I bet you’d recognize GWB’s “W with a flag by it” logo too.

In any event, the hakenkreutz was never Hitler’s personal symbol. It was the symbol of the party, having been adopted from the symbol of the Thule Society which was a sort of forerunner to the Nazi party. Hitler did have his own standard incorporating the swastika but it was much more elaborate than the Nazi flag.