What should I do with two large, wooden, regular dodecahedra?

A Magic 8-Ball has an icosahedral thingy inside. Ten of the answers are variations of yes, five are variations of no, and five are variations of maybe.

Put them in your yard, painted as dice as suggested above, and add a proportionally-sized hand and arm to make it look like the dice are being thrown.

Set one above your front door with a note saying “This house guarded by protective runes. Solicitors will take 1d12 damage.”

D-12 is a hip-hop/rap group made up of 5 people with split personalities (there used to be six), hence the term “Dirty Dozen”. The most famous being Eminem.

d and r :smiley:

Wow! Someone is envious of my dodecahedra. I never thought I’d see the day.

In a nutshell: I work in educational outreach for a University, so I have become a repository for odd things no one knows what to do with. As a compulsive pack rat, I have no problem with this. These particular dodecahedra were commissioned by a math professor for reasons unknown, and fabricated by our in-house machine shop. When the professor left for greener pastures, he left his dodecahedra behind. The people cleaning out his office didn’t know what to do with them, so they called the machine shop, and the shop foreman offered them to me. And how could I say no?

Please. I have to know. HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS??? You may quite possibly be one of the coolest people I know. :smiley:

I’m guessing boy (or man, age is really irrelevant) with hacksaw and his sister’s Magic 8-Ball.

I have no advice, but here’s a story from my Dad:

One summer during his college years, my Dad had some sort of ourdoor job. During a break, he was sitting around messing with some stiff wire that was laying around, and he started forming some shapes. His boss happend to walk by, took a curious look, and asked “Whatchya doin’?”.
My Dad said “I’m making a dodecahedron!”
There was a long pause, after which the boss said “Oh.” and walked away.

I was going to say, cut a tiny slot in the top and make it a giant motherhumping coin bank, but I like cher3’s idea a lot better.

Or, hey, you could paint them white, stack one on top of the other, add eyes, mouth, buttons, and hat, and call it a “doe-man.”

And if any solicitors ring the doorbell anyway, drop the dodecahedron on them.

If they were in my possession, I’d paint them with some sturdy outdoor-type paint, medium blue, and then put them in the playground at the preschool where I work, just to see what the kids do with them.

See, I work at a Montessori kindergarten, and in Montessori the geometric solids are blue. The standard set does not, as it happens, include a dodecahedron, but let’s not get bogged down in the details. I’d just want to see what the kids would do with them.

If they are normal children, they will either:
(1) Roll them around, hitting other children with them, or
(2) Climb on top, fall off, and give themselves a small injury.

In either case, an enterpising lawyer will, on behalf of the injured children, sue the kindergarten, Emilio Lizardo, the original maker of the dodecahedra, and anyone else slightly connected, for punitive damages.

I like this idea best, so far. Of course, I’d find myself morally obligated to buy from solicitors who had clever reasons why they don’t need the damage. (“Oh, I’ve been runed already,” is the best I can come up with, myself, but I’m sure that there are plenty of other clever/annoying ideas out there.)

Sorry I’m too late for all the great gaming ideas…For something completely different, why don’t you paint them in the worst colors you can find and start a 70s era kitsch decor book/website like this one?

If you can make it level, they would make for an interesting table base.

The first think I would do would be to paint them.

If they are normal children, the little Visigoths will smash them to atoms.

Or set fire to em.

Count me in the envious group. I can think of about 10 friends that would laugh themselves silly, if they came out their front door one day to find these painted like 12 sided dice, and placed in the front yard. Of course, my SO and I would be pretty high on the list of possible culprits, and we would immediately be getting phone calls asking where we got them.

You mention in the OP that they are currently packed flat. Do you have a picture of how they go together? I think I may have just found an excuse for some summer road trips to see my friends.

Here are the 24 faces, stacked together. Each one has a hole in the middle, so they’re held together with a piece of all-thread and a few nuts. The faces are held together at each vertex with aluminum brackets and a whole bunch of screws.

“Fuzzy husband”? :stuck_out_tongue:

With waterproof paint, you can…

  1. Drop them into the municipal swimming pool under cover of darkness, or
  2. Leave them in your yard, being sure to scorch a large area of grass around each of them.