What states/provinces would you get rid of divide, or consolidate? (US, Canada)

I’d be reasonably happy getting rid of every state with a Gulf coast.

Hell. I’ve talked to people who still think WV is part of VA.

We could have Yellowstone National Park in one state with Wytanaho.

People have seriously lobbied for the Washington and Oregon plan, but they always seem to drop it when they figure out how the taxes work out between the west and east side of each state. If it wasn’t for the economic reality, it would be a nice idea. I’m not sure how merging it with Idaho rather than making two states out of it (Western and Eastern) would affect that.

I’d split up Texas, somehow- When I was little, the best thing my dad ever taught me was Texas’ whole “We can split into five states if we want to!” thing. (So I can’t remember how it works. I was about 6 at the time and I’m surprised I remember that much.) I think it would be spiffy if Texas did that. I can’t decide how I want them to split- politically, geographically, as equally as possible, trying to preserve a nice balance of rural and city in each- but dangit, it would be SO COOL if they split.

But historically, the “panhandle” of colonial West Florida originally went all the way to Louisiana, so *it was parts of FL that were “sawed off” * to give AL and MS corridors out to sea.

Besides, that area is culturally Southern, much closer to New Orleans than Miami.

I disagree, unless some other large states get split as well - I can’t imagine having 10 senators from Texas. :rolleyes:

What would the states be called?

East Texas, West Texas, South Texas, North Texas, and Crawford? :slight_smile:

I think it’s time that the state of Missouri be split into two – one for the people who pronounce it Mizz-oo-REE and one for those who call it Mizz-oo-ruh.

While we’re at it, we can give Kansas City to Kansas. The old joke is that the largest city in Kansas is located in Missouri.

Nebraska? Won’t that make it kinda cold over here in AR?
That would not be a bad thing right now…But what about those two hunks taken out of our Northeast and Soutwest corners? Do we get them back?

Or for even more hilarity, join Texas with Quebec and Alberta with Mass.

Did Lex Luthor try that thirty years ago?

What about East Bumfcuk, Texas? Or is that a town?

I endorse this idea.

You guys realize, of course, this is how wars get started!

I think it is time for Canada to invade and take Point Roberts, Washington

But they better leave the angle alone!Northwest Angle - Wikipedia

**Sunspace, **we do NOT have more in common with Manitoba (except maybe cost of living). This part of Northern Ontario is forestry and mining, not agrarian. (Not saying we dont have farmland, esp west of here, but thats where the land changes, and not saying MB doesnt have forestry. Its just more of one and less of the other in each place.)

[mini rant] My main frustration is being 20 hour drive from the provincial capital and having people at Queens Park deciding our future without having a clue of our geography. Check out the Official Ontario Road map. Notice two scales, one for each side of the map? Im certainly not saying you or any Doper would fail to notice this. But people making policy * still don’t get it * :smack: My dad worked for the Ontario government and has horror stories… my mom worked for Ministry of Health and had even sadder tales. Drive to Timmins to get your pay check? WTF.

We don’t belong in Ontario. Ontario is a very nice province, but its not MY province. But (as much as I love Winnipeg) I wouldnt feel the area west of Sault Ste Marie would be better served as being part of Manitoba either. That would still put people 16 hours from the provincial capital. [/mini rant]

Nothing against t-dot.

And yes, Canada should take back Pt Roberts, then I wouldnt have had to leave my 20 year old friend in the car when we went to The Breakers to see… TROOPER? (leaving Canada to see Trooper seems almost blasphemous)

Ive done enough damage in this post to leave the whole North West Angle topic alone…for at least a few minutes anyway.