What the bloody hell just happened with my nose? *TMI*

Big icky clots are normal. Your nosebleed stopped; everything worked exactly the way it’s supposed to. If you get a nosebleed. pinch the front of your nose for a few minutes and tilt your head slightly forward. You don’t want the blood going down into your throat or lungs. People often are upset when they get a nosebleed- it’s scary. Anxiety and blood draining down the throat will make you vomit. A bit of bacitracin or saline gel is a good idea for dryness but not if you’re actively bleeding. We routinely check for nasal MRSA and treat it with Bactroban ointment. It comes in tiny single-use tubes. True, you don’t want to inhale fats as it can cause lipid pneumonia but the tiny amounts from an application of ointment won’t hurt you. If you’re tempted to put great gobs of Vaseline up your nose you’re likely going to find some other silly way to kill yourself sooner or later.

Oh, and if you have any handy, the aforementioned Afrin spray works wonders.

Annnnnd it’s back.

I was hoping it would be a weird, one time thing, but just had another one. And at the worst possible time. Nothing quite ruins the mood like calling my husband’s attention away from where it should be, and towards all the blood dropping from my nose :smack:

Like last time, this happened just after a shower. But different because there was no brainworm, and while we now have stained linens atleast it was considerably less blood than the first time.

We’ve got the humidifier running next to my desk now, so hopefully that should help.

If it’s due to dry air – use this NeilMed Sinus Rinse stuff twice a day for a couple of weeks.

It’s the end of a nosebleed. Perfectly normal.

Do you do coke?

What **Elf said. You don’t **want to swallow all that blood. It could make you nauseous or upset your stomach at the very least. We humans don’t do well with the drinking-blood thing.

As mentioned, pinch nose shut, keep your head either level or tilted just enough forward to put ice at the back of your neck, and apply pressure lightly to the nose area. As a longtime nosebleed sufferer, the above technique has proved the most successful.

Thanks for all the tips, I really appreciate them.

I’ve had two more since the last post. One smaller, and one gusher just now. I’ll be calling to make an appointment with my doctor in the morning.

Dry air (low humidity) can cause this.
Running your heater a lot?

No more than usual, and since it started I’ve had 2 humidifiers running in the room with me day and night.

Bleed count is up to 6 now, with a doctor’s visit scheduled for friday morning :frowning:

Probably just a capillary grown too enthusiastically close to the surface. A little zap with a cautery probe will fix that. Good luck!

Um… probably a silly question… but does that hurt?

Nope, not usually. They put a little numbing gel up there first. But even if they don’t, it’s literally 10 seconds and it’s done. No biggie, I promise.

I can’t swear that’s what they’ll need to do, of course, but it’s a pretty common treatment for frequent nosebleeds, especially if the doctor uses that little light to look up your nose and can see exactly where it’s bleeding from, and it seems to be just one source.

My nosebleeds are infrequent, but crime-scene-quality and they do not respond to Afrin or pinching or anything except packing. No clot that passes ever signals the end. Each one has resulted in a trip to the emergency room…I tried Urgent Care for the second one, but it was too much for them to handle and they sent me to the ER. They never occur during doctor’s office hours, and both times I have had to drive during them…not a whole lot of fun on the highway. One started WHILE I was driving…going up an on-ramp, actually. The only thing I could grab to staunch the flow was a sanitary pad. There was blood all over the window of the car…good thing it was night and no one passing me saw that! The clots that come out are huge…hate to brag, but your little quarter-sized clot is nothing! Now I carry a little emergency kit with a nasal pack that expands when the blood hits it, and one of the plastic clips they used on me at the ER, which did stop things while it was on, but then it just gushed as soon as it was released. I figure as long as I can slow it down a bit until I can get to the hospital, then they can pack it for me which is by far one of the most unpleasant things to endure. And they can’t find a reason…my nose is never dried out or crusty. The one time I didn’t even feel an itch…just a drip and then blammo…all over the counter at work! Fortunately we were closed so no customers had to witness that!

Hope you get some relief soon. I use a saline gel when the air gets dry in the winter.