What the FUCK is wrong with you people?!

An upper deck is just like being turdhunted, but instead……of finding the turd in the bowl, one finds it in the toilet tank.

I wish I could move into an apartment but I don’t have the money to do that and I don’t think financial aid will pay for it.

You don’t have any kids, do you, Freddy?

shitting in the water reservoir so that every time the comode is flushed dirty water is replaced with more dirty water, leading to puzzlement on the part of the flusher and ultimately disgust as he or she is then charged with the awful task of de-turding the reservoir.

Sorry to disappoint you, old bean, but apartment living may not be quite the Golden Land of Tranquility you seem to think it is. You can still have noisy, rude neighbors, who party all night, toss their cigarette butts and empty alcohol containers all over your patio, relieve themselves on your patio, on your car, harrass and/or harm your pets, throw your BBQ grill through the windshield of your car (“It flies! Holy fuck, it FLIES!!!”), etc., etc…

And you pay for this privilege. And, if your cops are anything like the Most Excellent Men & Women In Blue that my hometown of Maryland Heights has, calling the cops is the next best thing to useless in dealing with these neighbors.

Biffy: yes, I have children. I have a 24 y/o child in apt. E who likes to test the aerodynamic properties of his neighbor’s property.

I have a 27 y/o child in apt. G who thinks people two miles away should be able to hear his car stereo, and doesn’t mind sharing in the least. At 3:00 A.M. in the morning. He invites ALL of his friends over at 2:00 A.M. as a sort of pre-concert warmup. This is on weeknights, of course.

Dirty diapers and baby vomit? Please. Anytime, anywhere.

But you gotta take my neighbors in return.

The girls in the dorms are bad too.


Can’t be bothered to walk 50 feet outside the door to the dumpster so they leave their trash in the hallway. Can’t flush pee, turds or Aunt Flo evidence. Someone peed in front of our door on the carpet. They drink too much jungle juice and puke everywhere. They are loud and obnoxious, lazy and stupid. And whatever they make in their microwaves fucking stinks.

I’m so glad I am getting an apartment in August…away from where most students live in a quiet area.

:eek: Do RAs have to clean this stuff up? If so, man, there’s another way of paying for college I’ll have to scratch off my list…

Do they ever! When I lived in a dorm every couple of weeks some guy would invite a girl who would puke all over the bathroom and try to piss like a guy.

If you’re prepared to live with a few friends I’ve found it works out cheaper then uni places.

Do the math- you might be surprised. I found that living off-campus (with one apartment-mate, in a two-bedroom apartment) was cheaper than living on-campus, and that didn’t even take into account the increased cost of food on the on-campus meal plan.

We called that Brownwashing in my neck of the woods. Still, it’s better than when someone at a party decides that the sink looks like it would be happier with a steaming coil hanging out in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Next year, I’m going to be living in the substance-free dorm, with other people who want to live in the substance-free dorm. No more pot-smokers next door, no more drunk guys playing beer pong in the lounge, no more fines for drunk people breaking stuff…it’s going to be nice. It hasn’t been especially bad this year, because I live in the basement, so no one ever comes down there unless they have to, and it’s an all girls floor, so usually no one pees all over the toilet stall (the bathrooms are unisex, sometimes visiting guys leave the seat up and don’t flush), and out of the 10 girls, only two of them are real party-ers.

Sorry, I’m afraid I am one of your neighbors. Never mind that I live in California; I definitely recognize the neighborhood.

Yeah, I thought of that when I posted. But, somehow, it’s not the same when it’s your own precious progeny doing it!

You know, the funny thing is, I could have written the OP, almost word for word, 30 years ago. The even funnier thing is, I still liked college, because my home life was so unpleasant at the time. :eek:

Oh, but you haven’t seen the toilets in my office. I swear, they’re powerful enough to flush an elephant. And people still don’t flush their turds! :mad: :mad:

Am I the only one who has never actually seen any of this behavior while at college? :confused: We didn’t have communal bathrooms, maybe that’s why. Each room had it’s own private bathroom for the occupants (normally 2-3 people.) People were loud at night sometimes but that was about it.

Xan, I think you will identify with and enjoy this.

“MS Paint your pet peeves about college.”

Some priceless ones in there.

Indeed . However the last pet peeve makes me wish I HAD an elevator in my dorm. I live in the 3rd floor. On the upside I get lots of exercise and I think it’s contributed to my weightloss. Yeah that’s the ticket.

I had some friends who lived in really new dorms like that, when I went to a university. Their bathrooms were in pretty good shape most of the time.