What thing(s) about your state/province really annoy you?

The Ohio E-check program.

OK, I’m all for emissions checks for cars to improve the air quality, BUT when they make you E-check your two year old car, that’s pretty rediculous. Plus, when the burly, sweaty, guy that crawls into your car to perform the procedure leaves a stink that doesn’t come out of your car for 2 weeks doesn’t exactly make me happy, either.

Short list of what I don’t like about Florida:[ul]Taxes (lack of income tax is more than made up for in sales and property taxes)
The narrow minds
Inane voters (no, not hanging chad, I’m thinking the Constitutional Amendments regarding high-speed rail, class size, and pigs)
And specifically in Jacksonville - the Superbowl Obsession.[/ul]June can’t come fast enough for me!

The truly soul-crushing poverty that can be found throughout the state. Blacks get it the worst.

The poor public schools, underfunded and underfurnished with teaching supplies. The private schools aren’t much better, just not as crowded.

The lack of suffucient health-care services. My home town is in a rural area and doesn’t even have an ambulance to take you to the nearest hospital, an hour away.

The ignorant ideas and fossilized image many non-Mississippians have about the state. They may never have been here, and only learned what they did about Mississippi from John Grisham movies and In the Heat of the Night, but they think that makes them qualified to pass judgment on us and tell us what to do. The nerve!

And the list of states I may eventually move to shrinks…

Anyone from Alaska?

Another PA person here…

I drive to Michigan a lot to visit my fiancee. There’s NOTHING in the 5-or six hour drive between Philly and Pittsburgh…which makes for a hell of a time finding anything on the radio.

Lake effect snow. But I love the water too much to ever move somewhere land-locked, so I must endure it. Someday maybe I’ll move to the coast, but then there’s the hurricanes to consider.

The worst thing about my state is that it shares a huge border with California. :frowning:

Other than that, no real complaints! We got: Legal Prostitution, Gambling, 24-Hour Boozing, No Income Tax, Lax Enforcement of Traffic Laws, High Speed Limits, Truly Awsome Geography, Legal Prostitution, Near-Perfect Weather, Home of the Bee-Skep Ranch and Legal Prostitution!

Did I mention the Hookers? :smiley:

She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!

  • the heat
  • our big river is more like a mud puddle
  • sparse population
  • the heat

I’ll echo Lsura with the football and 9.5% sales tax on everything.

I had no idea how much Knoxville loved their football until I first moved here and was watching the news. The weather man said it was a beautiful day outside-- the perfect weather for football. Season hadn’t even started.

I think I could really do without the color orange being everywhere. There’s even an orange McDonald’s.

And then there’s the super religious people around here. I’ve had people witness to me just about everywhere. Countless knocks on the door. People randomly coming up to me at parks or on campus (funniest ones were the fundies who stood out by the library screaming that all college women were whores). The worst ones are the people I’ve waited on. It’s really creepy to be talking to one of my tables and then all of a sudden hear the phrase, “Do you have a personal relationship with God?”

I once almost made a coworker of mine cry because she found out that I didn’t believe in God.

Then there’s the country music. It’s everywhere. You can’t escape it.

There’s also the people that are anti-Yankee. I know that many southerners joke around about it, but there are a few of them that seriously hate people because they’re from the north.

I live in Montana.

What bothers me are people who want to move to Montana because they think it’s some kind of Paradise.

Hey folks:

Montana is something like 48th out of 50 in average income.

Montana is #1 in the percentage of people that work two jobs.

Montana is the in the top 5% of states where people don’t have health insurance.

Missoula has a 1% rental vacancy rate. That means that out of all the possible rentals in town, only 1% are available at any given time. And anything decent starts at near 4 figures.

You buy a house in the woods? We don’t plow to your door. The bears and coyotes will eat your cats and dogs. Your kids will attend whatever is school is closest, not the “best” one. We don’t care how they did it in California.


The fact that we’ve seen the last of middle-class families being able to afford a house within the state. People my age are growing up with the honest understanding that owning a house is likely not in the scope of their existance unless they move oout of the state. In fact, not spending 80% of your income on rent will require a stroke of luck.

At this moment the weather. It was 50-ish yesterday, but today I was wearing shorts and a tank top. I don’t want it to get cold, but if it must, I wish it would just get it over with.

oh yeah, Alaska is the only state that has less qualified teachers than us.

Example: my high school physics teacher had only taken physics I in college. That is it. Our whole education system is terrible. They can’t afford to pay our teachers, but the high school I graduated from had the money to build a SECOND gym. Explain, please?


  1. The rain.
  2. “If we can’t raise your taxes, we’ll have to cancel all school and let all of the criminals out of jail.” I guess there is nothing else the govt. is spending money on that could be, um, cut.
  3. There is no highway anywhere in the state, even in the most deserted SE corner of the state, where they’ll let you drive past 65.
  4. The only pro sports team is the JailBlazers.

Abe Lincoln’s ugly face on the license plates.

I forgot:
Vera Katz. If there is a more cringingly embarrassing major city mayor in the entire USA, I’d be surprised.

Hey, you wanna talk condition of the schools? I sat on a folding chair in biology. The last day of school of my senior year was cancelled because of an asbestos problem. And then there was the time the toilets all backed up and befouled the ground floor.

…Well, that was more the result of some students pouring Quick-Set concrete into said toilets, but, I think it’s funny, all the same, lol.

…not that I would endorse such vandalous behavior, mind you!

Ditto. :frowning:

So I forgot a few things. :o I believe that Nichol_storm lives in what is called the Pine Belt Region and what she says is very true, especially in that region. Poverty isn’t as bad here in the NE section; around Jackson; south of Memphis or down on the coast. Same goes for schools and especially around here health-care is excellent (Tupelo has the largest hospital in the U.S. not located in a metropolitan area.) Too bad it isn’t that way statewide.

Spoken like a true Mississippian. :wink: