What to do in Vegas when you're broke

Um…let it ride?


Sorry… I was giving that info for other, not-from-Vegas posters so they would realize that you aren’t anywhere close to, say, Caeser’s or Bellagio.

And when you say Blueberry Hill, are you really talking about the restaurant? Blech!
Try The Original Pancake House… there’s a couple on the north side of town, and it’s the best breakfast place I’ve ever eaten at, even better than Matthew’s Colonial Diner in Waldwick, NJ.

Also, yes the 51s are playing now. I think the LV Wranglers just ended their season, so no hockey until November (come back then, eh).

There isn’t an Oh. My. God. big enough. The SO has only EVER been to the airport at Las Vegas on a business trip. I’ve been a few times, but not a big gambler. We’ve been talking about going and it’s not an expensive trip if one doesn’t gamble.

And we both love pinball.
Thanks so much, silenus.

I had NO IDEA this place existed. (And I have family friends who lived there.

Second Red Rock Canyon- especially pretty in the morning (and even more beautiful if it’s cloudy/rainy- but slim chance of that). Hoover Dam traffic hasn’t been as bad the last few times I crossed it (last time was in July, during prime camping traffic, was normal). You might go see the Dam and Lake Mead so you can tell people for yourself that it’s basically going to shit. I heard if the water drops 17 more feet, they’ll have to build new intake towers. Plus, the bridge is something awesome (and IMHO, extremely scary!!) to look at.

Valley of Fire is about an hour or so outside Vegas and pretty cool. Or spend a day in Boulder City (my home town), won’t be too expensive, no gambling and the main street is old (for Nevada) and interesting. Check out the old Boulder City Hotel, it’s kinda cool.

The Ellis Island $7 steak dinner (maybe it was $7.50, I forget) is AWESOME. It’s actually, like, good! And it comes with beer!! Thank you, SDMB, for that one.

I don’t eat meat or drink alcohol, but even I know that Ellis Island has their own microbrewery. So that beer you got was likely EI beer, which I am told is very good.

Yes, you had a choice between several of their own beers or root beer, if you’re of that persuasion. It was perfectly acceptable beer.

You have to get over the fact that it’s attached to a Super 8, though. We were walking in and the guys I was with kept asking, “So, these people who suggested this… you know them HOW?”

All Vegas threads remind me of one of my favorite quotes: “I sure hope I break even. I could use the money.” :slight_smile:

Red Rock Canyon is easily the best attraction in Vegas. You can spend 30 minutes there driving the scenic tour, or a whole day hiking one of the dozens of trails that are all extremely satisfying and range in difficulty from grade-school to iron-man. Seriously, don’t miss that opportunity. Bring 5 bucks though, because that’s what it costs to get in.

Yeah, I’m a root beer fanatic. EI Root Beer is really good.

Just wanted to report that I ended up being exceedingly lazy and spent most of my free time in and around my hotel room reading. :smiley:

However, I did make the trip to the Pinball Museum, which turned out to be a LOT of fun! Thanks for the tip, silenus! I figured I’d save Red Rock Canyon for the next time my wife and I are out that way together.

You guys are all awesome…thank you for the suggestions! I’ll be referring to this thread again in the future.