What wakes you up in the morning?

Yup. The cat. Reaching up to tap on my hand with his paw. “Hey…you up? 'Cause, I could really eat. Like, seriously, dad, that bowl is totally empty.”

Apparently, you last woke up in 1954. :smiley:

The depressing worthlessness of my existence.

Or my digital alarm clock. Whichever one comes on first.

The Today programme on Radio 4, or crackly static if the dial’s slipped. Crusoe does not understand why I find people shouting at each other about politics a good way to start the day.

Overlyverbose, what a blessing. As a new empty-nester, I remember those days.

These days, what wakes me up is usually Sunshine, my husband’s cat, jumping onto my (nearly full) bladder area. He then moves onto my pillow &, as my eyes try to open, gives me his starving-kitty-&-your-nose-looks-like-tender-vittles look.

If that doesn’t work, Lynx, his partner-in-crime, slides under the covers & puts a cold nose next to my nether regions.

Love, Phil

Well, when I have to be at work at 5 AM, it would be my cell phone alarm, ideally. But lately I’ve been awakened by workplace anxiety. I work at a fucking gas station, and I’m not even the manager, you’d think that I wouldn’t have workplace anxiety. But the boss has been injured for 3 months, and I’m drained running a store full of half-wits.


The bleeping traffic noise from the 8-lane road immediately below my bedroom windows. I can tell the time within 10 minutes or so just by listening to the speed and volume of the vehicles.

I seem to have an internal clock, but I use my alarm to get up in the mornings.

Saturday, my son had to be at work at 5am. I was going to get up at 4am to take him to work and my husband just stared at me, saying he would do it.

I still got up at 4:10am to check to make sure they were up and ready to go. They were, I went back to bed.

I used to be able to sleep in on the weekends…I can’t seem to sleep much past 8am anymore.

Nothing wakes me up.

I wake up when I’m good and ready. Hah! Can be anytime from 08:00-11:00.

(I work the late shift and my neighbours are elderly).

I love my job and my house.

This is me, too. Although the range for me is more like 5-60 minutes before the alarm. Makes me crazy.

Three days a week, it’s my cell phone alarm. The rest of the time, I wake up when I wake up.

  2. Small tongue licking my hand.
  3. bladder
  4. husband’s alarm
  5. my alarm

The first one is my black Lab Lucy, wagging her tail against the wall. Just because I turn over. Stoopit dog. She’s very sweet though, so I forgive her most mornings. The second one is my Bichon Ernie, who thinks I’m awake because Lucy does. Stoopit dog. :smiley: