What was Ebenezer Scrooge's Job

Ah, OK, I was thinking they were just 3D-ifying the Mickey version. Which, come to think of it, might be tricky with cell animation.

And for the record, the best version is clearly the one put on by the Whitney Young Junior High School drama club in fall of 1989. Although I might be biased.

Since his family celebrates Christmas I would say no.

I guess I’ll be unfashionable and say that I liked this version. I’m not one of the cool Dopers. If you see it make sure you go to a theater that has it in 3D. I can see how it will lose a lot on TV or in 2D.

This seemed to be a pretty straight forward adaptation of the book. There is one thing in the movie I had a question about. Maybe it was in the book too. The ghost of Christmas present says something about having many brothers. Something like 1842 brothers. What does that mean? Did I miss something?

He did have Bob Cratchit as his clerk, keeping up the records so at least some of his business was legal and “on the books”.

One for each year since the birth of Christ.

I think Marley was Jamaican.

There you go. For some reason I thought it was set latter than that.

The book was published in 1843.

As for the number, here’s the relevant text (my emphasis):

Some people think
that Ebenezer Scrooge is.
Well he’s not. But guess who is?
All three Stooges!

Jamaican isn’t a religion, it’s a nationality. It’s like saying, “Are they Hindu? No, they’re Canadian.”

I think the joke you were trying to make was “I think Marley was Rastafarian.”

A friend of mine was having a conversation with someone on Facebook and said something about “that ghost in Christmas Carol, Bob Marley”. I replied, “Sorry to eavesdrop, but I just had to point out the hilarious vision of a reggae-playing rastaman ghost with chains around his head. :-)”

That was a year ago and we still crack up about it.

ETA: Posted this before I saw Serenata67’s post. Score!

Actually, it is a fairly good adaption. I *actually *read the book. The drawing of the Ghost of Christmas Past as candle-like was spot on. Bob Cratchit’s story is pushed back out of prominence-after all-this is Scrooge’s story. Animation makes the actors better actors in that the emotions portrayed are mimicked by how the characters are drawn.
This movie is too dark for young kids, but it draws you into it. A cue taken from TV or perhaps it was originally proposed as 3D.
I must say I enjoyed it, in spite of myself. But then again, I admit Mr. Magoo’s is still my favorite adaption.

“Bah! Humbug!”

No love for the Muppet version? :frowning:

Which featured the Marley brothers, Jacob and Bob. :smiley:

Well, I can’t blame you. CG Mickey has been around since 2003. (I’m excluding his PS2 version) I would’ve assumed they were going to redo the film in CG. 3D cell shading would be quite difficult to pull off.

As is written in the article linked above, Mickey’s most recent voice actor, Wayne Allwine is now deceased. His film debut as Mickey was in Mickey’s Christmas Carol. I hope this doesn’t mean his voice witll change. (Unlike Donald, whose modern voice actor was hand picked and coached by his predecessor, Mickey’s new voice actor was picked after his predecessor’s death.)

Ah, the same reason I prefer the one I was in at church? :smiley:

Actually, ours was quite different. It was a modified version where God himself speaks to Scrooge instead of Marley, and the other three ghosts are replaced with angels. (The Angel of Christmas Future is still creepy, as he’s essentially the Angel of Death). It’s not that unpopular a version, but I can’t find clips online that show any differences.

Blackadders Christmas Carol is mine.


You mean that horror movie set in the Uncanny Valley? It exists, but why they released such a terrifying movie around the holidays instead of Halloween is beyond me.

Jah. Jah. Jah. Humbug.