What was the first time-travelling story?

While there are about a thousand different versions of the Arthurian legends, and so it’s hard to be sure, I think that the bit about Merlin aging backwards is a fairly recent addition, possibly even originating with T. H. White.

I never did find that older story of time travel I thought I remembered. Maybe it was a just a recent short story told from the perspective of someone from ancient days.

It’s not the first time-travel story—in fact it mentions Wells’ Time Machine—but the 1916 “Enoch Soames” by Max Beerbohm is a fun read.

In the story, Soames travels from June 3, 1897 to, briefly, the British Museum one hundred years in the future. I became aware of it reading an article from the 1997 Atlantic Monthly describing several in the British Museum’s Reading Room June 3, 1997 waiting for Soames to arrive at the appointed hour. They were not disappointed.

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