What was this fucking huge, scary bug that I saw?

Well, in my case I usually shriek and run at big flying insects until I can rule out them being cockroaches. But even if they’re just some random beetle or moth I still do not appreciate them flying directly at me.

The Preying Mantis can be brown. We have them all aorund the house. (And, no, I am not confused with a Walking Stick bug.)

Helgies make awesome smallmouth bass bait, but one must be well versed in the handling of such as those pincers aren’t ornamental and a hellgrammite can *really * tweak on your finger. They’re also wonderful for scaring the living daylights out of children.

Praying mantis are now in the process of laying their eggs for next year’s brood, so,
Argent Towers, what you probably saw was a pregnant female, more substantial in body. I’m seeing more fat females flying now, as they look for a place to lay their eggs.

If you see thissorta contraption in the next few months, that’s a mantis egg case. I don’t know how those little gals tote a can of spray foam around.