What will music sound like 1,000 years from now?

My theory is it’ll just be white noise with modulation up and down the scale… much like AM radio static.

It is the solemn duty of each generation to love music their parents cannot stand. Those who cringe at 50 Cent and Christina Aguillera can take comfort in that. Their grandkids will go weak in the knees for music today’s fans can’t stand. That is, if they have any hearing left.

Why would you think that 1,000 would make much of a difference? We have the same type of ears that people had in 1003, after all. Recouping hearing loss has changed in a thousand years, but it’s too short a time period for biological changes.

I’m with <b>The Scrivener</b> here… music has evolved with astonishing rapidity in the last century or so, but I highly doubt that it will continue to do so for much longer (if only because the record labels seem intent on turning it into a pool of stagnation). Instead, we’ll get more of what has become vogue in the past few years- retreads of existing styles, and endless blending of genres (“New for 3003!! Alterna-R&B-metal band’s new record introduces a powerful baroque/screamo/J-pop influence into the local scene!”)

Pete Townshend (no rude comments, please) suggested that the universe vibrates to a single not in “Pure and Easy”. In his project, “The Lifehouse”, there is a concert where the performer and the audience all get together on that note and are transported to another dimension.

Oops, sorry, that’s ‘a single NOTE’